These Are My Opinions On The Live-Action Remakes Disney Has Made So Far

    Original Animated Mulan > Live-Action Mulan (Not Even A Competition)

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    Live-action remakes are now the future of Disney entertainment. While there have been mixed feelings about these films, they still draw in a crowd.

    Walt Disney Pictures logo with a fairytale castle and a shooting star arching overhead

    **WARNING** Spoilers ahead!

    1. 101 Dalmatians (1996)

    Two Dalmatians face each other at a wedding scene, one with a bow tie, the other with a veil
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    2. Cinderella (2015)

    Cinderella, wearing her iconic blue gown with sheer sleeves and sparkles

    3. The Jungle Book (2016)

    Young boy next to a large CGI bear in a cave setting, from the movie "The Jungle Book"

    4. Beauty and the Beast (2017)

    The Beast and Belle dance in a grand ballroom from "Beauty and the Beast." Belle wears a flowing yellow gown

    5. Dumbo (2019)

    A small elephant with large ears sits in a circus ring under spotlights; audience in the background

    6. Aladdin (2019)

    Jasmine and Aladdin from Disney's movie look at each other, smiling, in a night scene. Jasmine wears a headband, Aladdin a vest

    7. The Lion King (2019)

    Animated characters Simba, Timon, and Pumbaa from The Lion King in a still from the film

    8. Lady and The Tramp (2019)

    Two dogs facing each other with a plate of spaghetti and a candle between them

    9. Mulan (2020)

    Character Mulan in traditional attire looking determined

    10. Pinocchio (2022)

    Geppetto, a live-action character, kneels to talk to Pinocchio, an animated figure. They are exchanging a heartfelt gesture

    11. Peter Pan & Wendy (2023)

    Peter Pan and Wendy flying next to a pirate ship in the sky

    12. The Little Mermaid (2023)

    Smiling Ariel petting a small Flounder underwater

    ⭐️Honorable Mentions⭐️

    Below are some live-action films that come from the original animated film story, but they are not direct remakes.

    Alice in Wonderland (2010)

    Alice peeking around a doorway with a cautious expression

    Maleficent (2014)

    Maleficent with horns and staff, black attire, standing amidst a crowd

    Christopher Robin (2018)

    Man in a hat sitting beside an animated bear in a red sweater, both appear engaged in conversation

    Cruella (2021)

    Woman in a dramatic mask and white headscarf at a masquerade ball

    Final Thoughts

    It’s fair to say that the original animated films come out on top as the winner of this battle. I mean, the stories became popular enough for a remake because of them. I may lean pro-animated version, but I'm not completely against all of the live-action remakes. If anything, I have complicated feelings about them.

    And despite my ambivalence, I still look forward to seeing live-action remakes from Disney.

    Now, I want to know what you all think. Let me know in the comments which version you preferred!

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