
alperaranaa Having a name is everyone's right.And I obviously have mine.Honestly,I'm not knowledgeable enough about what my name really means.All I know is that it's a comon Turkish name composed of two words-Alp-meaning male or man and Per-a soldier or hero.It came from the merging of my parent's names-ALbert and PERla.whatever the reason/s they had dt tym,I dont care,all dt matters to me is dt I hv dz unique-in a way dt it is rarely herd-and cute-just wt my peers sed-name.WATTA NAME!!! ME...MYCLF...I.. WHAT DEY SEY.... *IM A SNOB-a common misconcepxon pipol hv on me when dey 1st saw me w/c is defin8ly not true.Dz is maybe bec of wt dey kip on telling me dt "malakas ang dating ko".I dont think so..I dont knw..I hv no idea..Anoder acceptable rizon 4 dz is my being "tahimik"sometymz abd my seriousness on things around me.however,dz misconcepxon do not last long. *"ACTIVE!ACTIVE!"-originated frm my BPAG(2-1) cm8s wen i kip on reciting in evry ader subjs.we hv.I just want 2 xpress my thoughts and feelings bout a particular topic,datz y I'm reciting dt much. *I'M KIND-almost ol my frnds tel me dt Im a kind person but I find myself not.hehe! *A GOOD FRND/LISTENER/ADVISER-dey say dt dey are gr8ful hving me as a frnd-it's very knd or dem-hu dey can count on wenever dey hv probs,hu dey can ask 4 advices,and hu can land an ear to listen to dem.Minsan nga I dont knw how to react in ol dose complimnts,but I defin8ly apprec8 ol of it,not just bec.dey are my frnds but bec.or d cmple rizon dt dey are worth-believing individuals. In ol dose gud things n ngwa nla 4 me,thankful ako dun kaya I'm only returning d favor to dem. *I'M A PRODIGAL SON-Some of my relatives thinks dt I'm a "suwail","palasagot' etc. w/c is true 4 some tyms only.I'm a hard-heded person kc.Lahat ng guz2 ko shud be followd or elz,na I think is d main rizon y somtyms I did such things.But now,I can say dt I can control it a bit,at least it's not just lyk b4 n nagwa2la ako at wats

Jun 2011
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