
Ally R.

Hey, I'm Ally. I'm currently writing this at 3:26 in the morning, and as far as i know i have no reason to be up. That itself says a little bit about me. I'm not a morning person, but most definitely a night person. I'm pretty happy go lucky and like to stay cheerful, even in times or sorrow. I'm always content listening to Nora Jones radio on pandora. Right now I am a freshman in college, and who knows what the future holds. I'm currently eliminating soda from my diet as well as candy. and i'm doing my best to work out 5 days a week for at least 30 min. I am very social, if I feel relaxed around you.. some people intimate me. There are several important groups of people in my life, my family (my parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts uncles, great aunts & uncles you name it i love my entire family and i'm glad were as close as we are.) my friends (krissy, who i have best friends with since 3rd grade, Kristina who i've known for a pretty long time, and the rest of the group i love you all and you make my life) my college friends (my roommates, my neighbors some people down the hall and some other random people in there, they make me extremely happy) and of course my amazing boyfriend nathan. I can tell you one thing, i love him. He makes me the happiest person in the world even when it seems like nothing can make me smile. he is the the cheese to my mac and cheese

Mar 2010
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