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    The Stages Of Being Sick

    It's snot funny, but it'll give you the chills. The weather's a-changing and so is your immune systems ability to deal.

    1. The initial tickle

    2. People start noticing

    3. Admitting it to yourself

    4. Please hold me.

    5. Going to bed. Forever.

    6. The morning after (and not in a fun way)

    7. Dehydration ensues

    8. Naseau sets in

    9. Toilet = New BFF

    10. Doing. Nothing.

    11. Soup's on.

    12. Light at the end of this germy tunnel

    13. MISSED YOU!

    14. Back to the grind.

    15. Then someone blames you for getting them sick, so you're like:

    And if all else fails, let's just all agree to blame John Mayer.