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    23 Things I Learned From A Mansplanation Of Gender Differences And Feminism

    It's about as bad as you'd expect.

    1. First of all, men and women are all just 100%, completely different. It's science.

    2. Like for example - did you know that women have lots of a hormone called "estrogen"? This is why every woman loves hugging babies and always thinks they're really cute.

    3. See, men have this other hormone called "testosterone." This is why men feel the same warm and fuzzy feelings toward weight lifting equipment that women would feel toward babies.

    4. This totally makes sense though because - again, science - all men are just stronger than all women. All real men, that is.

    5. If it's something pretty light, like a folding chair, it's still better for a man to lift it because men have a "pride thing."

    6. So, since men have all this pride, they like, NEED to be able to pursue a woman and provide for her. Like, that's the one goal that should shape every man's life - STRICTLY scientifically speaking of course.

    7. But now, we're telling women that they can pursue a man. And that is just not supposed to happen.


    9. That's sending the message that women can be independent and take care of things themselves. Uh-oh.

    10. So, ever since women started encroaching on the male-dominated workplace, men's identity has been stolen from them.

    11. This is also why the divorce rate is so high.

    12. Men's productivity at work is basically cut in half because of the women there. Have you seen what they wear?!

    13. Women, scientifically speaking, do not have this problem.

    14. See, according to science, if a woman is around, a man simply CANNOT focus on anything but getting her attention.

    15. Women wanting to act and dress all sexy is just straight up ruining gender relationships.

    16.Women need to make it easier for the men to focus on their work productivity by dressing conservatively. This way, men won't be forced into giving into their scientifically dictated urge to ogle and sexually harass female co workers.

    17. Aside from the problems they cause male workers, women shouldn't really have important positions in the workplace because, scientifically, they are too much of emotional thinkers.

    18. Men are the real problem solvers! That's how it's always been! They started the wars! They made civilization! They're just meant to be in charge.

    19. But women are well-suited to manipulating (because boobs), so technically, they did accomplish a lot throughout history!

    20. Feminism WAS good when it started - it's nice that women can go to college and vote.

    21. But, then the lesbians ruined it with their man-hating.

    22. Then all women were just like, "Science? Nah, I wanna be independent and educated and have life goals that may or may not include being a housewife."

    23. Feminism accomplished its goals a crazy long time ago. Now its just destroying men. We don't need it. Get rid of it.

    Well, praise the Lord for the enlightened few who can reveal these truths to us.