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What's An Incredible Horror Movie That It Feels Like No One Else Has Seen?

The more obscure, the better!

Listen, when you're a ~die hard~ horror movie fan like myself, it's sometimes easy to feel like you've seen all of the good/decent/sometimes straight-up awful ones already, and you long for newness!

So, with that in mind, what's your favorite horror movie that it feels like no one else has seen? One that flew completely under most people's radar?

Maybe it's something most people haven't seen because of its age — like Burnt Offerings (1976) — that gave you nightmares after your mother insisted you watch it.

Or perhaps it's something most people haven't seen because it's more of an indie film — like Trick 'r Treat (2007) — which caused it to fly under the radar when it first came out.

Heck, maybe it's something most people haven't seen just because it's, frankly, THAT messed up, like Audition (1999).

Share your favorite horror movie that it feels like no one else has seen and a little bit about why it's worth a watch in the comments below for a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post and/or video!