"Pineapple Express" Came Out 10 Years Ago, So Seth Rogen Shared Some Behind-The-Scenes Facts

    "There’s a pic of Red and his ex-wife, who was played by Stormy Daniels."

    So Pineapple Express had its 10-year anniversary this week, and I feel old as dirt.

    So to celebrate, Seth Rogen shared a whole bunch of ~fun facts~ about the movie on Twitter.

    And, once again, these behind-the-scenes nuggets DID NOT disappoint. Here are a few of the craziest things he shared:

    1. Rogen and co-writer Evan Goldberg were the only true joint-rolling ~professionals~ on set.

    2. The movie was named for a weather system, not a real strain of marijuana...

    3. ...because that strain didn't exist yet.

    4. Rogen and Franco actually switched characters.

    5. Also, there were A LOT of injuries.

    6. Like...A LOT.

    7. Probably because they did their own stunts.

    8. There was a secret Superbad crossover in plain view.

    9. Ford didn't want to be an accessory to a murder.

    10. Danny McBride had to be taped to that chair ALL DAY on set.

    11. And, finally, there was a pretty hilarious cameo no one would've known to look for at the time.

    So there ya have it! Go check out Rogen's Twitter for some more behind-the-scenes goodness while I go re-watch this masterpiece for the millionth time.