"Mulan" Has A New Trailer And Fans Have Absolutely All Of The Feelings

    *Sobs while looking in a mirror while the "Reflection" instrumental plays in the distance.*

    So, let's cut right to the chase: The first full-length trailer for Disney's Mulan reboot is here, and it's pretty darn visually stunning.

    View this video on YouTube

    Walt Disney Studios / Via youtube.com

    The film follows the same overall tale as the original 1998 animated film, seeing Mulan join the war effort on behalf of her family in order to protect her aging father.

    And — while the film definitely has a tonal departure from the original, as it's no longer a musical — there are still a ton of visual nods to the animated film in this trailer alone, and fans were pretty freakin' excited about it!

    So, with that in mind, here are just a few of the best fan reactions to the new trailer:

    1. This fully-grown meltdown:

    my 28yo ass tearing up watching the #Mulan trailer

    2. This A+ choice:

    Whoever put that Reflection instrumental in the #Mulan trailer

    3. The movie theater trip:

    Me driving to the theater to see Mulan, Black Widow, and Wonder Woman next year #mulan #BlackWidow #WonderWoman

    4. This aggressive (yet accurate) statement:

    y’all who saying you NEED mushu in the new #mulan adaptation are just weak bitches that can’t handle change

    5. This rightful concern:

    This live action #Mulan trailer is sooo well done. Please please please let the movie live up to it.

    6. This blessed trailer week:

    7. This nod to nostalgia:

    I was so happy to see the many references to the #Mulan animation. 😊 Despite the many changes in the live action, I think fans of the original will be happy to see how these memorable scenes have been recreated in the movie. It looks great and can't wait to see it!

    8. This iconic foursome:

    Black Widow Mulan Birds of Prey Wonder Woman Dear ladies, 2020 will be yours 🍻

    9. This perfect shot:

    10. This changed mind:

    At first I was disappointed that #Mulan would not include the animated classic's songs. But now that I see how different the live-action take is, I realize it's not just a nostalgic-driven cash grab remake like Aladdin or The Lion King. It's a unique retelling. I dig it.

    11. This simple (but powerful) claim:

    I don’t think I’ve seen a more perfect trailer than this. Damn. #Mulan https://t.co/vjjUXvoYsC

    So, there ya have it! How do you feel about this new trailer? Are you excited for the film? Be sure to ~reflect~ on your feelings and catch Mulan when it hits theaters March 27, 2020!