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Tell Us About Some "Red Flags" In Movie Trailers That Make You Immediately Think, "Yikes, This Isn't Going To Be Good"

Stop showing the entire movie in the trailer, please, we beg you.

Y'all red flags aren't just for relationships anymore, they're also — apparently — for the very pop culture we consume. And, just like in a relationship, these red flags can show themselves pretty quickly!

So, with that setup, what are some "red flags" in movie trailers that make you think, Oh no, this isn't going to be good?

Maybe you think if the trailer focuses too much on the movie's all-star cast and not the plot, you start to wonder if there even is a plot.

Or perhaps you're quick to judge a trailer based solely on the music choice used, and — if it's not a good one — you already know the whole thing's going to be a disaster.

Or heck, maybe you believe if they're showing way too much of the movie, there's not going to be all that much fun left for you to discover if you bother watching it anyway.

Share the movie trailer red flags you look for and a little about your reasoning in the comments below to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post and/or video!

The MPAA message before trailers