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16 Of The Funniest Tweets About The 2021 Grammy Awards

It's mostly just jokes about Beyoncé, though.

ICYMI, the 2021 Grammy Awards were this weekend, and you already KNOW the internet came ready to joke around. So — with that in mind — we took to Twitter to round up just a few of the silliest tweets, and we curated them into this easy-to-enjoy list for your viewing pleasure! Ready? Here we go:

1. This host with the most:

Trevor at the #GRAMMYs / Trevor at his Grammy’s

Twitter: @TheDailyShow

2. This A+ reaction to winning an award:

Twitter: @TaikaWaititi

3. This meme come to life:

Twitter: @lalotridi

4. This support group:

the cutaways to the performers watching each others' sets is giving me youth group jam session energy

Twitter: @delia_cai

5. This accurate reference:

Twitter: @gabebergado

6. And this equally accurate video:

the old ladies in the back of the dababy and roddy rich #GRAMMYs

Twitter: @itmissfolklore

7. This difficult night:

Difficult night for my sexuality

Twitter: @philipjonathn

8. This sighting:

they had to pick up blue's grammy! https://t.co/ZZM5FQsgNf

Twitter: @clairevmcc

9. This stressed staffer:

The CBS staffer responsible for bleeping out all the words during "WAP" #GRAMMYs

Twitter: @shylawhittney

10. This gleeful reunion:

Remember Kurt and Mercedes from Glee? This is them now. Feel old yet?

Twitter: @SAMGREIS

11. This whole-ass mood:

This is also how I would react if I was seeing WAP performed live #GRAMMYs

Twitter: @lcseymour315

12. This similar energy:


13. This intense choice:

Twitter: @nadiarry

14. This queenly decree:

taylor swift turning up to the grammys

Twitter: @rachelxlily

15. This meme that will live in infamy:

BREAKING NEWS: jason derulo has fallen down the stairs at megan thee stallion’s #grammys performance

Twitter: @AnotherGayKyle

16. And finally — this shocking discovery:

Beyoncé just realized she was Beyoncé while on stage

Twitter: @__Onixivy_

Did you catch the 2021 Grammys? If so, what'd you think? Share all of your thoughts in the comments below! OH! And, if you enjoyed what you read, be sure to click through and follow your favorite creators on Twitter to make your timeline a more fun place to be!