The Older I Become, The More I Realize I Have Transformed Into Elaine Benes From "Seinfeld"

    "Here's to those who wish us well, and those who don't can go to hell."

    1. When she used her sick time for the right reasons:

    2. When she was ready to eat out of boredom:


    Elaine: Wanna get something to eat?

    Jerry: Where you wanna go?

    Elaine: I don't care, I'm not hungry.

    3. When she perfectly articulated the state of her mental health:

    4. When she understood her standards, and rigorously enforced them:

    5. I mean, like, REALLY enforced them:


    Elaine: God, that movie STUNK.

    Elaine's Boyfriend: I kinda liked it.

    Elaine: No, you didn't.

    6. No, you don't understand, SHE REALLY UNDERSTOOD HER VALUE:


    7. When she perfectly summed up her sexual orientation:

    8. When she used this fail-safe excuse to get off the phone:

    9. When she met the perfect guy:


    10. When she had the ~most flirtatious~ introduction ever:

    11. When she redefined how food service should work:


    12. When she understood the most important part of a relationship:

    13. When she was ahead of her time:


    Elaine: You know, just admitting a man is handsome does not necessarily make you a homosexual.

    14. When she knew how to intimidate her opponent pre-fight:

    15. When she wasn't afraid to ~experiment~:

    16. When she was tired of sitting in coach on a plane:

    17. And, of course, when she came up with the absolute perfect toast: