18 Signs That You May Be The "Aunt Friend" Of Your Friend Group

    Like the "mom friend," but with less responsibilities.

    1. You love getting drunk at chain restaurants.

    2. You're late for everything (except your period).

    3. Children absolutely love you, while that feeling is NOT particularly reciprocated.

    4. You've cried real tears, at least once, about how much you love your pet(s).

    5. And — speaking of pet(s) — you refer to yours as "your children," because they're the closest you ever plan to come to having kids.

    6. You give out a lot of aggressive advice for someone who has literally never taken any advice in your life.

    7. When your friends are having boy trouble, your response is typically "dump him."

    8. And, after they finally DO "dump him," you're the first one at their side with a box of Oreos and a bottle of vodka.

    9. While the "mom friend" is the planner, you're the group's confidant.

    10. And, while you've been known to "overshare" when it comes to your own personal info...

    11. ...You're an absolute VAULT when it comes to your friend's business.

    12. Your favorite activity is cancelling plans (usually to the dismay of the mom friend, who made the plans in the first place).

    13. You're unafraid to call even your closest friends out on their bullshit.

    14. And your dry sense of humor is all too often mistaken for your being "blunt" or, worst case, "mean."

    15. You've been known to "talk your way out of anything."

    16. Your purse/backpack doubles as a traveling pharmacy and minibar.

    17. You've been referred to as the "weirdo" of the friend group on more than one occasion.

    18. And finally, when there's a party or event, people actually ask "Is [your name] going?" because they know if you DO go, it's going to be a good time.