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What '80s Movie Or TV Character Sparked Your Sexual Awakening?

We owe A LOT to the '80s.

Some of us can recall the EXACT moment we were sexually awoken.

And most of our generation owes our sexual awakenings to various pop culture icons from the '80s.

For example, mine was the first time I saw Harrison Ford make THIS EXACT FACE in 1981's Raiders of the Lost Ark:

So, what '80s movie or TV show character is responsible for your sexual awakening?

Was it Matthew Broderick as the quirky king of High School, Ferris Bueller?

Or maybe it was a young Johnny Depp in 21 Jumpstreet?

Heck, maybe it was even A LITERAL CARTOON, like Jessica Rabbit in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Share whichever '80s character(s) ~got your juices flowing~ and why in the drop box below for the chance to be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post or video!