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    Why I’m Disappointed In “Harry Potter And The Cursed Child”

    And it’s not why you would expect

    Readers should enter back into the world of Harry Potter with the mindset of reading a play. After all, this is a play, not the 8th book in the novel series.

    It is a masterful play but a play nonetheless. It has no time to spare for going deep into Harry's feelings, thought processes and actions through paragraph upon paragraph of words because it isn't a novel and also because this play isn't just about him.

    I read the play in four hours, more or less. I read all the other books in one sitting when they each came out as well, but the play went much faster. We gain an insight into Harry's family and friends more than Harry himself, which is unusual to most readers used to the series. But there is so much steeped into this play if you pay attention.

    Just by reading you can see how well feeling and emotion are represented. Instead of a paragraph on Harry's inner struggle, we instead hear the dialogue and within that dialogue is all of the emotion of the character we have so long loved. Not only that, we also see a new side of this man we previously knew as a boy, a father who we knew only as student.

    But I did find disappointment in reading this play. Not because it was bad, not because it left out some characters, but because I could only read the play. Because I don't have the opportunity to see "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" in the theatre, the outlet this work of art is meant to be in.

    Reading just made me want to see if more because it would be even more magnificent and truly make the characters feel alive again. I'm disappointed because I cannot see this masterpiece with my own eyes, I can only imagine the words on the page coming to life in the world I learned about in seven enthralling books. I'd love to see the sets and special effects of the play that would really bring that world back to us.

    I can only hope the cast gets on their brooms and heads to Broadway soon!