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    You Won't Believe The Trippy Walls In This Office

    Imagine the lobby walls moving and changing every time you walked to the elevator!

    An ever-changing and jaw-dropping artwork spans the 1,700 square feet of Terrell Place in Washington, DC in stunning digital displays that respond to workers and passersby.

    Spanning the whole of the first floor lobby, this 'digital nature' constantly moves and changes so workers hardly see the same image twice in one day, which can really liven up a workplace! Even people outside can get a glimpse of the technically enhanced canvas from the building's oversized windows, and then become jealous that they don't work there.

    ESI Design created three different displays that show 'seasons,' 'color play' and 'cityscape.' The city's famous cherry blossoms are shown year round in 'seasons' mode, whereas 'color play' produces generated bursts of color and 'cityscape' shows DC's statues and famous architecture. These psychedelic spectacles make working inside all day a little more bearable...hopefully!

    The main hallway builds on the display scenes with an ambience of music and sounds of nature or the city - like walking through a grown-up Rainforest Cafe!

    ESI designed the reactive displays for Beacon Capital Partners, the owners of the downtown civil rights landmark building.

    Michael Schneider, Senior Creative Technology Designer at ESI design, says, "Each of the media scenes reflects the time of day and the movement of people through the lobby, acting almost as a large abstract data visualization of the ebb and flow of Terrell Place." / Via

    Courtesy of ESI Design