We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    35 Products With Mind-Boggling Before And After Photos That’ll Impress The Heck Out Of You

    These pics are almost too good to be true...

    1. Lifting pads for tackling tough, hard-to-remove surface stains like wine, pet pee, mud, blood, and juice. Simply place the pad on the affected area, stomp on the pad, and then leave it be for 30 minutes. Once you peel it off the floor, your stain should have magically lifted — hallelujah!

    Promising review: "These things are AMAZING. They are magical. If you have a pet who has accidents in the house, these are a MUST-HAVE. After your pet has an accident, all you need to do is open up the packet, place the pad on the accident spot, and then step on the pad to release the magic formula. Leave it there for at least half an hour or up to 24 hours. Why the discrepancy, you might be asking? Because these pads work on DRIED STAINS. Holla!!!! My puppy has been driving me bonkers with accidents in the house, but I don't sweat it anymore thanks to these pads. They are seriously miracle-workers, and I will always have a supply of them in my house going forward." —Lisa Koivu

    Get a pack of 20 from Amazon for $24.99.

    2. A container of The Pink Stuff cleaning paste that can tackle scuffs, stains, and messes like an absolute superhero. It works on so many surfaces and it's designed to not leave behind scratches once you're finished cleaning.

    a reviewer's sink looking rusted and dirty
    the same reviewer's sink now clear of the rust and stains

    You can use this product on a ton of surfaces but it's recommended to not be used on plastic or acrylic surfaces, highly polished stainless steel, or hot/warm surfaces. It's also vegan! 

    Promising review: "Oh my gosh — this stuff is a life changer! Used it to get my fiberglass shower totally clean. Nothing else would get it done and this stuff brought my shower back to near-new in one use. We’ve since cleaned a weird chalky film off our garage door, removed wall markings, and cleaned my storm door. We’ll never be without a jar (or three) of this stuff. Worth every penny." —Nancy F.

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    3. Dishwasher cleaning tablets to clean your (potentially smelly) dishwasher. These will do all the cleaning for you so you don't have to get on your hands and knees and stick your head into the depths of that stainless-steel beast to clean.

    The inside of a reviewer's dishwasher looking dirty
    The same reviewer's dishwasher now looking shiny and clean after using the cleaning tablet

    These tablets remove odor-causing residue and help get rid of lime and mineral build-up that naturally occurs inside dishwashers. The tablet is designed to last throughout the entire wash cycle, and is recommended for use about once a month. These are safe to use in stainless-steel tub and plastic tub dishwashers.

    Promising review: "After using this product, I am happy to report that my $5 investment saved me over $500. I was ready to replace my dishwasher due to super cloudy glasses, residue, and just not getting clean. Then, I became aware that the water softener no longer was doing its job, so I had the rental company replace it. Dishwasher performance improved somewhat. I decided to do two more loads before deciding to purchase a new one. Then I saw a product test review for Affresh in a magazine. I was ordering some stuff from Amazon anyway, so I added that to my order. When it came, I tossed one of the tablets into the bottom of the full machine, and ran the regular cycle. I did not expect the results I got! My glassware that I thought was permanently etched and ruined came out like new. Same with cutlery. The difference is unbelievable. I will use this faithfully on a monthly basis, as recommended. I can even put it on my subscribe and save order, so I will get a new pack every six months. I am amazed!" —Sheila

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $8.99.

    4. And a pack of Affresh washing machine cleaning tablets for keeping the machine that washes your clothes squeaky clean without having to clean it by hand. Who wants to wash their things in a dirty washer? Not me.

    These are safe to use with front-load washing machines and top-load washing machines, and both high efficiency and conventional machines. Recommended to use once a month!

    Promising review: "Affresh tablets are the only washing machine cleaner tablets that I will trust to thoroughly clean my front loader washing machine. I have used them monthly, exclusively, in my washing machine since I bought it new five years ago. Between using these tablets and making sure that the door stays open between uses, my washer has never had a musty, nasty smell in all this time. The drum always smells so fresh after a cleaning cycle." —J. Cornelius

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $11.98.

    5. A hard-water stain remover that'll tackle even the gunkiest of shower doors and have them sparkling like new. This removes spots, stains, AND rust.

    a reviewer's glass shower door looking fogged up from hard water stains
    the same shower door now completely clear

    This helps eliminate hard water stains, rust, and limescale from things like shower doors, shower stalls, shower glass, windshields, windows, glass, barbecues, chrome, tile, toilets, granite, steel, fiberglass, pools, bath tubs, sinks, granite, marble, chrome, boats, autos, brass, stone, metals, porcelain, brass, alumnium, stainless steel, hard vinyl, and more!

    Promising review: "When we moved into our new place the shower doors looked like they had never been cleaned before. I tried at least 10 different products and methods to remove the hard water spots but nothing even made a dent. Bio Clean, however, was like a Magic Eraser! I scrubbed each door for about 10 minutes and it was incredible! I’ve never written a cleaning product review before but this one is worth every penny." —Shane B

    Get it from Amazon for $19.77.

    6. veggie chopper so you no longer have to *cry* massive tears over that onion you gotta chop. This nifty gadget can julienne, chop, spiralize, and slice vegetables! It has a handy compartment at the bottom where your freshly chopped produce will sit after it goes through the chopping process. 

    Reviewer putting a potato on a flip top lid cutter and bringing the lid down to chop it into pieces
    Model pressing down on top to cut an onion

    Promising reviews: "I LOVE THIS!! TikTok made me buy it lol. Dices so quickly and helps my brain focus on prepping food instead of taking forever to dice each veggie by hand. All in all, 10/10!" —Kuroneko

    "Makes life so much easier. I can't imagine chopping onions or bell peppers by hand anymore, and it does so much more. We used to have a Prepworks chopper which was a similar idea, but you had to press so hard to chop, and it broke after not too long. This one requires very little effort to cut through the food and it has a generous container." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in two colors).

    7. A set of melamine cleaning sponges perfect for tackling practically any hard surface scuff or stain once it's moistened with water. It can be used on leather, marble, and even steel.

    before: dirty door
    after: clean door

    All you gotta do is wet and swipe!

    Promising review: "I own a cleaning business and have spent a small fortune on the name brand. I clean everything from condo rentals to long term lease/residential rentals and I have had to clean unimaginable NASTY, I mean 'pics or it didn't happen' kind of nasty and these cut right through it. They work just as well as the name brand, if not better, and they seem to last a little longer!" —Keisha Marie

    Get a pack of 20 from Amazon for $11.95.

    8. A hard water boosting powder if no matter how many times you wash your houseware, they just don't seem to come out of the wash squeaky clean. This helps tackle hard water stains and leaves a fresh lemony scent.

    on the left, a mug that looks dirty, and on the right, the same type of mug but clean of dirt after using the hard water powder
    on the left, a clear bowl looking fogged up and dirty, and on the right, a clear bowl actually looking clear after using the hard water powder

    Just add this to your pre-wash chamber with detergent. If you don't have a pre-wash chamber, don't fret. Just add 2 tablespoons to the bottom of your dishwasher!

    Promising review: "Prior to using this product I ALWAYS scrubbed my dishes clean before putting them into the dishwasher, heck, my boyfriend would wash the dishes with soap and then put the dishes in the dishwasher, and they would still come out dirty! After using this one time, I was a believer. I don’t ever add anything to be re-purchased automatically, but this made the list (and is still the only item on that list). It smells great, and best of all, my dishes are CLEAN!!!!" —Johanna Wei

    Get it from Amazon for $6.12.

    9. A conditioning balm since your leather loafers could probs use a face lift. This works on both wood and leather items and will bring them back to life. 

    the balm next to two leather boots, one looking old and scuffed and the other looking cleaner after using the balm
    Humble Suds / Etsy

    Humble Suds is a small biz based in Denver, Colorado that sells plant-based cleaning products. 

    Promising review: "I was ready to buy a new leather living room set since my current one was weathered and scratched by the cat. Decided to try this product after seeing it on Google and it revived my furniture like I never would've imagined!! Love that it is natural and safe for a curious cat!! Five stars!!" —Shannon M. Campbell

    Get it from Humble Suds on Etsy for $19.55.

    10. A cat dander spray to soothe their skin with oat flour and aloe vera. It'll condition their fur to a silky, smooth texture and diminish flaking. 

    Promising review: "We have an overweight cat who has trouble grooming her back. She was so full of dandruff and greasy fur that I hated petting her. We took her to the vet, and he thought it was allergies. We tried prednisone for a while, and it was clear she was less itchy, but the dandruff remained. The vet suggested different food, so we switched to a different flavor (different ingredients) in the same line, and there was no change. Our poor girl looked miserable. We decided to try a bath, but she's 13-years-old so we knew she wouldn't enjoy it. While looking for a shampoo for her, I came across this product and decided to try it before torturing her with a bath. After the first application there was a huge difference! After the second application, her dandruff is GONE. We spray her down and then brush her. She is so soft and shiny! She finally looks healthy and feels good to pet." —Amber Steele

    Get it from Amazon for $6.31.

    11. A jewelry cleaning pen so you can get your beloved jewelry pieces looking shining, shimmering, splendid again. 

    the diamond on a reviewer's ring looking fogged up
    the same diamond now looking shiny and new after using the cleaning pen

    Promising review: "Don't get me wrong — my wedding ring was gorgeous before. It did sparkle and still made me smile every day. However...after using this Diamond Dazzle Stik...*oh my goodness*! After one use my ring is absolutely breathtaking! I knew my ring got dirty now and then, simply from sweating and being outside in the elements. However, I never realized just how much dinge and schmutz marred my diamond until I cleaned it. It literally took my breath away with its fiery, dazzling brilliance!" —liltreeclimber

    Get it from Amazon for $8.05.

    12. L'Oreal primer mascara that goes on white and adds additional fibers to lengthen and thicken lashes. You can use this under any mascara your heart desires for even more ~oomf~.

    BuzzFeed Staff Writer Allison Faccenda shows the results after using L'Oreal Primer with mascara
    BuzzFeed Staff Writer applies L'Oreal Voluminous Primer before applying mascara
    Allison Faccenda / BuzzFeed

    Over the years I've noticed my lashes falling out and they're not as voluminous and long as they once were (*cries*). This mascara primer has changed all of that. I use it in tandem with the Thrive Causemetics mascara for a dynamic duo that hasn't failed me yet. The primer base adds a noticeable amount of fibers to thicken my thin lashes, which gives me a full lash look.

    Get it from Amazon for $8.35.

    13. A foot file because it'll be extremely satisfying to see all the built-up dead skin crumble off to reveal your softest heels yet.

    a before-and-after photo of a reviewer's cracked heel now looking soft and smooth
    the foot file filled with dead skin from a reviewer's foot after using
    a reviewer holding a clump of dead skin in their hand

    Promising review: "After comparing foot files and reading the reviews, I decided to order this foot file. Living with chronic pain conditions has made it almost impossible to get out and go to the nail salon on a regular basis. I needed a way that I could 'maintain' my feet in between pedicure appointments, and purchasing this foot file was definitely a great decision. I couldn't believe how well and easily it removed the dead skin from the bottom of my feet. The only other product that I used was a tiny amount of callus remover to help remove the unwanted dry skin. I couldn't believe how well it worked and my feet felt so much better. I would highly recommend using caution when it comes to the amount of skin that you slough off. Otherwise, you could remove too many layers of skin, leaving your feet sensitive to touch or painful when walking on them. If you are looking for a way to maintain your feet on your own then look no further! The price is competitive, the quality is top notch, and it couldn't be any easier to use." —Amy

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    14. A pack of plant food spikes in case you wouldn't deem yourself a pro at keeping plants alive. This will keep them fed for up to two months. 

    a reviewer's house plant with wilting leaves
    the same plant 48 hours later with the leaves now looking much healthier

    It's recommended to change the spikes every 30 days during the spring and summer months!

    Promising review: "I have several houseplants that had stopped flowering, so I put a few of these spikes in the pot (there are directions on the back of package for quantity), and approximately a month after using these spikes, my peace lily had three flowers on it, and my African violets plants all got several blooms on them! This worked wonders for my plants that don't flower also! I noticed that my ivy and cactus plants started growing faster, and they became more green and healthy looking. I am very happy with this product, and I will buy it again." —Elizabeth

    Get a pack of 24 from Amazon for $2.79.

    15. A pet odor and stain remover for your home because, let's face it, you can never have enough stain removers for the carpet. It's gentle and safe for all carpet textures and can also be used on furniture, clothing, litter boxes, kennels, carriers, and pet beds! 

    a reviewer photo showing the bottle on a dirty carpet
    the same reviewer showing the product sprayed on the carpet
    the same reviewer showing the product sprayed on the carpet

    Rocco & Roxie Supply Company is a family-owned small business established in 2013 that specializes in pet odor eliminators, pet toys, pet snacks, and pet accessories.

    Promising review: "This solution was recommended to me by a science teacher who just went through training a puppy and did not want any toxic chemicals to touch their dogs paws, carpet, and other surfaces. The solution smells nice, does not mask the problem, and is very efficient. Takes a little while to manage old stains but works pretty fast on new ones. After cleaning up a recent accident, much to my surprise, I couldn’t figure out where the stain was when I walked back into the room. My neighbor borrowed it and was so impressed that she bought several bottles to keep on hand. She even mentioned that the smell was light and pleasant and didn’t smell soapy like other solutions. This solution is my new go-to for cleaning up puppy accidents." —Melanie

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97+ (available in two sizes).

    16. A pet hair roller so you can avoid your upholstery looking like it's covered in shag from your pets shedding so much. Roll this bb around and pick up every last piece of hair.

    Reviewer showing opened ChomChom full of pet hair
    Reviewer using ChomChom to remove pet hair from black fabric

    Promising review: "I was cautiously optimistic, but this tool is as effective as everyone is saying. My couches, and especially my recliner, look brand new. It takes little to no effort to use. Just use it in a 'scrubbing' type motion and it catches and traps the fur (and other small debris, such as crumbs...) in the little compartment. Pop it open, empty it out. Done." —Ian K.

    Get it from Amazon for $28.95.

    17. A pack of paw protection butter you'll want for the change in seasons so they can stay safe against super hot sidewalks or salted streets. This also works wonders for dry, cracked noses! 

    dog paw pads cracked and dry before using butter
    same dog paw pads after using nourishing butter

    Promising review: "My puppy’s paws have been a little cracked as the weather’s gotten colder and I wanted to be proactive about it before winter really comes. The product came sealed and I was surprised how easy it was to apply at room temperature. It has a thinner consistency than what it looks like, which is great because it prevents me from putting too much at once. It smells amazing, like sugar and oatmeal. My dog seems to think so too because he’ll tend to lick it off. My recommendation is to apply at the beginning of a nap so it really has time to soak in and you’re not left with paw prints to wipe up." —ibtihal Baydoun

    Get it from Amazon for $7.13

    18. Wet & Forget shower cleaner to tackle the gunk and stains that have been overstaying their welcome in your tub or shower. Spray it on, let it sit for a few hours (some reviewers left it on for 24 hours), and then rinse or wipe it clean! 

    A dirty shower with a yellow floor
    The shower floor all clean

    Promising review: "I have well water. Something in my well water reacts with copper plumbing and turns my shower tiles blue. Since my bathroom color scheme isn't on the blue spectrum, this is problematic. The well water also causes the shower glass to film up quickly. I've tried dozens and dozens of cleaners and scrubbed till my arms ached trying to get ahead of the blue and scumminess. My ambition in life is NOT to be a full time bathroom scrubber! I saw this stuff on a professional house cleaner's TikTok (sorry, don't remember which one) and thought 'what the heck, might as well give it a try.' Oh my goodness, the first day after my shower I sprayed this stuff all over and walked away. The next morning there was a NOTICEABLE reduction in the blue and the glass looked clearer too. Day two, sprayed again and walked away. The next morning the blue was gone except for a few spots on the floor tile and the glass looked amazing. Day three I sprayed the remaining spots and the next morning the shower practically looked new. NO SCRUBBING AT ALL!!!! This is my new favorite shower cleaner. The ONLY con I have is that it makes me sneeze while I'm spraying from inside the shower, but I can live with that." —L. J. Petillo

    Get it from Amazon for $19.98.

    19. A set of bra strap clips since you probs know the struggle of wearing your bra with a racerback tank... These make it easy to wear your fave bra and ensure that the straps stay hidden underneath. They'll also guarantee your straps won't fall down your shoulders.

    reviewer wearing razor bra strap clips on bra
    person before and after using razor bra strap clips on bra under a tank top

    Promising review: "This is the handiest old-fashioned, forgotten remedy for a falling strap! Plus, it reduced aggravation to my shoulder having to often reach and replace my strap, creating repetitive motion pain to my shoulder! Clip on one strap, put on your bra, then reach back to attach your bra strap holder high across your shoulders. Tricky at first. Becomes easier. I will rebuy to keep a supply as they lose elasticity." —BB

    Get a set of three from Amazon for $6.97+ (available in four color sets).

    20. compact carpet cleaner in case a spill happened on your upholstery and you're not about to dump a whole bottle of cleaning spray on it. This is the route to go if you have a stain that's been sitting for a bit too long and it's not exactly fresh. I've used this to remove difficult dog poo stains and it works wonders.

    reviewer image of the green portable cleaner
    before and after pic of pee stained couch freshly cleaned

    Each cleaner comes with a trial size of Bissell's Spot & Stain Formula, which is also available on Amazon for $12.99

    Promising review: "Yep! TikTok made me buy it and I loved it. Looked for it online, and on Walmart they were about $150 for some reason?? Got it here, and I am LOVING IT. Things definitely look cleaner. Spots on my carpet are gone, and my car seats look brand new for the first time since I bought it! Directions are easy. Just a heads up, MAKE SURE TO USE WARM WATER. if you leave water in it and it gets cold, it's not as effective, so just follow instructions and it should be wonderful!" —Carlos 

    Get it from Amazon for $123.59.  

    21. Light-dimming stickers to stick on any irritating lights that make it quite difficult to go to sleep. (I thought I was the only one with this problem — I'm looking at you, cable box...)

    Promising review: "Nothing worse than gaming at night and being blinded by my controller whenever the TV darkens. I was using a piece of painter's tape and it looked horrible. Not going to blow $150 on an 'elite' controller with an LED that can dim so figured I'd try this product out. It works great, peels off easy, leaves no residue, and I'm pretty happy with the price. There's not a perfectly sized circle for the button but the one I'm using fits over it well enough." —Joshua

    Get a pack from Amazon for $4.49

    22. A dishwashing spray because not everyone has the luxury of a dishwasher and a few spritzes of this cleaner will make scrubbing even the toughest baked-on grease off your plates superrrrr easy.

    Promising review: "When I first saw this, I thought, 'Are you kidding? It's dish soap; how much messing around with it do you have to do? Aren't squirt bottles enough?' Then I tried it and, well...no. Powerwash is the bee's knees for degreasing just about everything, from oily salad bowls to greasy pots and pans. It cleans just about everything else instantly without hard scrubbing (or ANY scrubbing)...and when you're done, give the sink a couple of spritzes to remove any slick residue. My old squirt bottle can't do that." —Stormvoël

    Get a bottle and three refills from Amazon for $23.03.

    23. CeraVe body wash to assist in diminishing razor bumps and scaly skin with salicylic acid that exfoliates gently (unlike harsh physically rough scrubs). If you tend to shave often, or are prone to getting those small bumps on your arms (called keratosis pilaris), then this wash is for you.

    reviewer holding bottle of body wash near bath tub
    reviewer before and after image of how keratosis pilaris diminished after using wash

    Promising reviews: "I've been loving this product. It's great for the summer when I sweat more than usual. It really takes care of the breakouts I seem to get from my workout bra on my back and chest. It's also been great using on the back of my legs where I tend to get bumps from sitting down at my desk all day." —Cheyenne Rousseau

    "Bought this for my 10-year-old daughter who has keratosis pilaris on her arms. This before and after photo is after two washes! Her upper arms are perfectly smooth now and she is very happy with the results." —MRenee82

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99

    24. An ink and stain remover that can even tackle permanent marker stains you may or may not have gotten on that new pair of jeans...

    Promising review: "Amodex took ink out of my expensive scrubs. A pen leaked in my pocket and made a thick glob of ink stain on the scrub jacket and a little on the pants. After using the Amodex and washing in cold water, there is no evidence of a stain and the fabric looks exactly how it looked before the stain. There was no damage or discoloration of the fabric. Thank you, Amodex. This product just saved me the $75 that it would have cost to replace the scrubs." —Michelle hammer

    Get it from Amazon for $11.98.

    25. An Olaplex conditioner to repair damaged hair to a ~like-new~ state. It starts at the cuticle to strengthen and smooth hair so if it's a bit crispy from a lot of sun exposure, you can give it new life again.

    Reviewer showing hair before and after using product
    Reviewer holding bottle of product in hand

    Promising review: "Magic, I swear this stuff is made from unicorns. I was doubtful, given that I have tried the gamut of hair conditioning treatments (yes, yes, I know this is NOT a conditioner, but a bonder) and all I have to say is WOWZA! After some really harsh processing (got my hair from dark dark brown to very very blonde so I could add funky colors), my hair more closely resembled hay than it did actual hair and as the weeks went on, the breakage started getting worse. I tried this at my last feeble attempt to salvage my locks after a friend recommended it and I am BLOWN AWAY by the results! It really does work." —shel.b.phd

    Get it from Amazon for $30.

    26. An edge control balm if you're interested in smoothing and laying your edges down (if you want to!) so you can rock top knots all day, every day.

    A before and after customer review photo of their edges
    A jar of the edge control

    It goes without saying that you 100% do not need to lay your edges if you don't want to!

    Promising review: "I absolutely love this edge control. I have tried so many edge controls that did not work from all price points. Some edge controls would slick my edges down, but after an hour or two, it would need to be reapplied or it wouldn't slick my edges down at all. My hair absorbs everything I put in my hair. So I was so amazed at how well this edge control not only slicked my edges down but kept my edges slicked down all day. I apply it in the morning and when I return home in the evening my edges still look the same. I have natural hair, but with this edge control, my hair looks permed. This edge control is by far the best that I have ever tried. I normally purchase it from my local beauty store. I like it so much I was telling my husband about it and he ordered it from Amazon for me. It is so worth every penny." —Jamie Morgan

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    27. A FlexiSnake in case your water isn't draining properly in your shower and you're starting to think it's probs clogged with hair... Push this incredibly innovative device down the drain and pull it back out to reveal the absolutely vial (yes somewhat satisfying) gunk that emerges.

    A reviewer photo of a FlexiSnake on the floor of a tub after pulling out a mound of hair
    Hair attached to the FlexiSnake

    More than 4,000 hook and loop micro-hooks cover the full 18-inch span of the snake. It's reusable! Just remove hair after use, and clean with soap, water, and a brush. It's compatible with most bathroom drains, without needing to take off the stopper.

    Promising review: "I didn’t expect this to be professional grade or anything, but hey, for the price, this definitely did the job. Our bathroom sink was starting to drain really slowly, so I bought this. In less than two minutes, it had fed down the drain easily and pulled up two separate disgusting chunks of hair and soap scum. I wore cleaning gloves to clean that gunk off the snake, but it wasn’t too difficult. Drain worked perfectly after. I use it maybe once a month to maintain. Good value!" —KB

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99.

    28. Houseplant insect traps you can place into any of your house plants to banish any unwanted insects. These seriously work. 

    The insect traps inside of a reviewer's potted plant with a few bugs already trapped to them
    A close-up of one of the traps covered in insects

    Promising review: "Holy cow, these suckers work! I'm so grossed out by the result, but at the same time I have a sick sense of satisfaction. I used these in my house plants that are breeding a ton of fungus gnats. I used them in conjunction with beneficial nematodes, and they definitely cut down on the number of gnats in our house. Unfortunately I added a new house plant, plus re-potted one that had outgrown its prior home, and we are wrapped up in them again. I'm buying another package of sticky traps as soon as I finish this review!" —Megan

    Get a pack of seven from Amazon for $6.93.

    29. vegan eye cream for improving the look of fine lines and dark under-eye circles with its advanced botanical formula. This is perfect to keep handy if you've been having a lot of late nights this summer and could benefit from looking like you haven't skimped out on sleep. It'll help rid your eyes of puffiness and discoloration.

    LilyAna Naturals is a small business that specializes in clean, vegan, and cruelty-free beauty products.

    Promising review: "I have been using this daily for about eight months now. It reduced the puffiness and dark circles under my eyes. It has brightened up my eye area. I am very surprised as I have paid much more for eye creams that have done so much less. I recently had pre-cancerous cells removed at the bridge of my nose. After healing, I was left with a dark scar. The dermatologist told me that it would heal over time. Since I began to apply this eye cream, the mark has almost disappeared entirely. I shop constantly from Amazon. This is the first time that I have taken the time to write a review. That's how impressed I am with this product. If you decide to purchase this, you won't be sorry." —Lynda M.

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available three sizes and in a pack of two).

    30. A snout soother stick because their cute lil' button nose deserves to look and feel hydrated. This will get rid of all crusty, crumbly skin and have their nose feeling smooth after several uses.

    This snout soother is organic, vegan, and made with all-natural ingredients!

    Promising review: "Well, I have never before been so shocked at the effectiveness of a product. Our 5-year-old Frenchie, Carol, had a nose that was so crusty, it was sprouting these long strands of more crust. There was literally crust on crust on crust. The nose had strings of crust. This nose was so crusty and repulsive, it was almost beautiful. Her nose might have resembled the rarest, most exotic geode to be mined from the rarest mine in Guatemala. A friend recommended this snout soother for Carol's repulsive nose. I was worried she would just lick it all off and it wouldn't work. We never imagined she could have a regular, soft, moist nose again. Honestly, this product is some black magic stuff! Unbelievable results in three to five days. No one paid me to write this." —Brittany

    Get it from Amazon for $5.95.

    31. A multi-purpose outdoor cleaner you can use on practically anything from pavement to patio furniture. Siding of your house looking icky? Bam, outdoor cleaner. Your wood deck looking sad? Bam, outdoor cleaner. Stone walkway looks like it took a beating? Yep — OUTDOOR CLEANER.

    a reviewer before and after photo of a chaise lounge seat looking dirty and then clean after using the outdoor cleaner
    a reviewer before and after photo of a walkway looking dirty and then clean after using the outdoor cleaner

    Promising review: "I first used this product about two years ago on the awning on my RV. That awning was so bad, that I thought I was going to have to replace it. After using this Scott's product as directed, the mold and mildew completely disappeared. This product definitely works and it works GREAT! What more can I say — it saved me nearly $500." —R. Latreille

    Get it from Amazon for $10.98+ (available in three sizes).

    32. rose water toner spray to calm the skin while diminishing redness and excess oil. This will breathe new life into the skin, will work well as a makeup refresher spray, and can help balance skin's pH levels.

    It'll also absorb excess oil. It's everything you want your toner to do, except now you can use it WHEREVER. Plus it's organic and suitable for sensitive skin!

    Promising reviews: "I have very acne-prone and sensitive skin that is pale with pink and red undertones. I break out very easily, and my skin is irritated even by the 'sensitive skin' brands and formulas. I have used EVERYTHING under the sun to aid in redness and sensitivity, and nothing has worked to calm flare-ups like this. I wake up and my skin is glowing and peachy pale, as opposed to red and blotchy. This rose water has not only improved my skin's redness and overall tone, but it has virtually eliminated any signs on acne. I use before I put on my redness moisturizer and before bed as a refresher. I also find myself spritzing at various times of the day, because the fragrance is so pleasant." —Kathy Pancake

    "After months of using this product, it is absolutely a permanent part of my skincare regimen. It is perfect in the summer to cool off as well as hydrate your skin, and in the winter it is a lightweight toner before I put on my lotion. My skin has stayed hydrated throughout the duration of using this product and I love it. Also, I definitely trust Teddie Organics quality. Amazing." —Emily R

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95+ (available in two sizes).

    We rounded up the best face toners — check out our picks and see what won.

    33. A makeup brush cleansing shampoo because you should absolutely be keeping them clean. Leaving them dirty and continuing to use them can spread of germs on your skin and cause breakouts. No thanks.

    This brush cleaning shampoo is paraben-, phthalates-, petroleum-, and perfume-free. It's also hypoallergenic, dermatologist-tested, water-based, and made with gentle, plant-based ingredients, because after all, your makeup brushes are used on your face, so you want to be sure you're cleaning them with a natural, safe product.

    Promising review: "I hate washing my brushes, I've always done it by hand and it's always caused the big fluffy powder brushes to feel rougher or become matted no matter how hard I try to reshape them. I got this solution and used it with a makeup brush spinner (I used the Mevolic one), and I couldn't BELIEVE how amazing my brushes were afterwards! I also have very sensitive skin and most any soap I put on a brush will cause me to breakout when I use it later, no matter how well I typically rinse it. But I really think that this cleaner and the brush spinner worked great and I haven't had any sensitive bumps on my skin since using them." —Chelsea

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    34. A pack of sulfate-free laundry fizzies for that additional *va va voom* your next load of laundry could certainly use. Got super dirty athletic clothes? Pants with grass stains? Cruddy tennis shoes? Drop one of these fizzies in and watch them work like magic. 

    Before photo of a dirty brown sock and after photo of the same sock with most of the stains gone
    The Fizz Whizz / Etsy

    The Fizz Whiz is a small business based in Tampa, Florida.

    Promising review: "Washed my clothes and they came out very clean. I put my sneakers in the wash and they were very gross. They came out so clean that they almost looked new. Will buy again, and recommend." —Daniel Law

    Get 50 tablets from The Fizz Whiz on Etsy for $14.

    35. A Shark Tank-approved tattoo aftercare salve that'll bring your tattoos back to life. This balm features antioxidant rich butters and lightweight oils to rejuvenate the skin and make them look more vibrant.

    a reviewer photo of an arm tattoo labeled
    a reviewer photo of the same arm tattoo labeled

    Mad Rabbit is a small biz found by college friends Oliver Zak and Selom Agbitor after seeing a gap in the market for all-natural products to heal, protect and enhance tattoos. They pitched their tattoo salve in season 12 of Shark Tank.

    Promising review: "Product was awesome. It rejuvenated a 5-year-old tattoo and made it look like new again. Mad Rabbit absorbed into the skin very easily without being greasy." —Janson Ward

    Get it from Amazon for $17+ (available in three scents).

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