This Kid Learned His Lesson After His Mom Made Him Wear An "I Am A Bully" Shirt

    Lesson learned.

    What’s a parent to do when he or she hears that their kid is being a bully at school?

    This Splendora, Texas mom thought of something rather clever, and even shared it in a Facebook post.

    You see, Star, the boy’s mother, told ABC13 that she heard her son had been calling other boys at school “stupid” and “idiot."

    So Star made her 5th-grade son wear this t-shirt to school for one day that simply stated, “I’m a bully” on the front and on the back of the shirt.

    Is this a unique parental move? Absolutely. But it totally worked, according to Star.

    Star told ABC13 her Facebook post was a way for her to reach out to the parents of any of the kids her son may have bullied so they could receive a personal apology.

    Still, her approach has been met with mixed reactions.

    @ABC7Chicago Not sure if that’s the best way to teach your kids about things like empathy and compassion and respect for fellow humans.

    Some questioned if this was a last-resort move.

    @laur_nm_nga @ABC7Chicago How do you know that didn’t happen, many times before, hence now the tee shirt.

    @ABC7Chicago Also take the time to explore WHY he's a bully, many of times the answers are not too far away from home!

    While this may not be the way to go for every kid, it's certainly an interesting option.

    What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments.