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Local Cops Posted Pics Of A "Drug Bust" And People Won't Stop Trolling Them

Worth it?

There was a drug bust in Tenaha, Texas this week that people can’t stop talking about, but it’s not because it was this massive takedown.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite. This photo was shared by local ABC affiliate KTRE-TV 9, with news of the bust leading to felony drug charges for three suspects.

The officers executed a search warrant at a house and discovered two pounds of marijuana, prescription pills, drug paraphernalia, packaging materials, guns, and cash.

Their Facebook post has since caught fire with comments from people who think this operation was seriously overblown.


This commenter had an interesting take on the bust.

While this one has a very interesting observation.

Along with this one.

The jokes on the loot seized by the officers were swift.

Even the Crying Jordans made an appearance.

Not even the brand-free sandwich bags were safe from the comments thread.

The jokes were never-ending.