People In Select Cities Are Trying Chick-Fil-A's New Mac And Cheese And Loving It

    The tease is real.

    If there’s anything most people can agree on, it’s that there’s no such thing as too much mac and cheese.

    Which is exactly why people are freaking out that Chick-fil-a quietly introduced this beloved comfort food onto their menu recently in select cities.

    They reportedly started testing out their newest side sometime last year. For now, you can only sample their mac and cheese in Maryland, outside Charlotte, and in Willis, Texas.

    Let's just say that those who've already sampled Chick-fil-a's mac and cheese have not been disappointed.

    Everyone who doesn’t live near a full serve @ChickfilA is gonna flip when they try the mac and cheese. It’s soooooo good 🤤🤤🤤

    The excitement is building.

    So @ChickfilA selling Mac and cheese now huh...... I need to taste it. Need that

    No, really. Mac and cheese lovers everywhere are psyched.


    @ChickfilA what is this I hear of mac and cheese & spicy chicken strips...

    The southern-based restaurant has yet to make a formal announcement, although their mac and cheese does appear on their online menu.

    So when will the restaurants in my city serve the Mac and cheese ? It’s my fav. I already love @ChickfilA so if they add my fav food, oh its on. Ima be there everyday lol 🙂❤️👌🏽

    TOKiMONSTA / Via

    Fingers crossed.

    Hold up, Chick-fil-A is about to try to make Mac and cheese?? What a time to be alive