A 7-Year-Old Is Officially YouTube's Highest-Paid Star Having Earned $22 Million


    So we’re totally used to reading about how many millions of dollars some YouTubers can pull in every year, right?

    That’s right. We’re talking about little Ryan of Ryan ToysReview, who earned a whopping $22 million in one year, as revealed by Forbes.

    The world's highest-paid YouTube star: Ryan ToysReview has generated 26B views and earned $22M in the last year thanks to his signature line of stuffed animals, collectibles and apparel now selling at Walmart https://t.co/59Pvme6gae https://t.co/4KlR3CJcgQ

    Ryan has racked up almost 26 billion views since his parents launched his main YouTube channel in March 2015.

    The first-grader boasts 17.3 million followers on his channel, with the majority of Ryan's audience being more or less around his age.

    This news is making some people reconsider what they're doing with their lives...and their kids. LOL!

    @Forbes That's insane, my kids need to start reviewing toys lol

    @Forbes A little preschooler plays with toys and gets more money each video than I do for working part time at McDonald's juggling my school and work life. Dammit now I want to be 4.

    Others are just happy this mini-millionaire gets to do what he likes.

    @Forbes It makes so happy this kid is making this much money for just being a kid!!!

    So what's the big draw for people when it comes to little Ryan and his content? He told NBC recently that, “I’m entertaining and I’m funny."

    Go, Ryan, Go!

    @Forbes I love that this kid is so successful at his age. I hope his parents are saving and investing wisely for all of their futures, as most things like this don't last. You go, kid!