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Students Say Julie Bishop Is Using Them As "Political Pawns"

They've called for schools to be a "politically neutral space" during the election campaign.

High School students in the Blue Mountains, outside of Sydney, have accused the foreign minister of using them as pawns in the election campaign after she posted pictures of them on her Facebook page without their permission.

Facebook: JBishopMP

Students from Winmalee High School have taken to Julie Bishop's Facebook page to complain that they were promised the event would be politically neutral. The images of her visit have been used as part of the government's election campaign.

This is the photo the students are worried about.

A number of other students also chimed into the debate, adding that they were told they wouldn't appear in photographs, and requesting the pictures be taken down as they don't want to be used as "a pawn in [the government's] political campaign" or "political propaganda".

Student Samantha had a stronger reaction, accusing Bishop of lying to her face.

The hashtags #ausvotes and #election2016 have been removed from the post, but the image still remains and there has been no response from the minister to the students' questions on Facebook.

Samantha and Ben told BuzzFeed News the minister hasn't contacted them or their peers directly to answer their questions and complaints, but the school had been in contact with her office.

Since the election was called on 8 May, the minister has used other school visits to promote the budget and the election campaign.

Facebook: JBishopMP

When asked, Bishop's office told BuzzFeed News they would not be removing the photos.

"The Foreign Minister and Deputy Liberal Leader was at Winmalee High School as part of a visit to Louise Markus MP in the electorate of Macquarie.

The Minister was asked to speak to students about her role as a member of Parliament and Foreign Minister, and she also answered a number of questions from the students. The Minister was given a tour of the school's hospitality facilities.

School officials advised that students were asked to indicate if they did not wish to be photographed, otherwise photographs of the visit were permitted. When students asked for 'selfies' the Minister obliged."