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This Political Fundraiser Created A World Record Eight-Metre Halal Snack Pack

HSP 4 PM, tbh.

In one of the more delicious moments on the Australian campaign trail, a world record eight metre snack pack was created and then devoured at a Labor Party fundraiser.

Facebook: video.php

The monstrosity was constructed on Monday night in Perth and contained 🍟 100kg of chips,🍗 70kg of meat, 20 kg of cheese and 15 kg of holy trinity sauce (BBQ, garlic, chilli).

Hamze told BuzzFeed News there's an art to the food creation - there can't be more than a pinky width of food without sauce.

Ali from Perth Kebab Station finishing the holy trinity of sauces (BBQ, Garlic, Chilli) for the 8m halal snack pack.

Old and young were left salivating from the 205kg delicacy. Many senior party members admitted to BuzzFeed News they'd never tried the meat in a box delicacy.

There was 20-year-old Alex (left) who brought along her own Bill Shorten portrait that she won in a Young Labor raffle.

She said it normally hangs in her bathroom, but she wheels it out at Labor party fundraisers. She even showed it to the Labor leader who told her he found it "terrifying" and "disturbing".

Christopher (right) is 17 so can't vote yet, but proudly wears his 18-month Labor Party membership on his jumper. He volunteers for Perth candidates before and after school and said the $25 entry ticket was totally worth it to mingle with senators and candidates.

The night was a fundraiser for Tammy Solonec, Labor's candidate in Swan ... but the main focus of the night was the halal snack pack, which adorned the main table in all its record-breaking glory.