I'm Obsessed With The Extremely Random Jobs People Have In Hallmark Christmas Movies — Here Are 26 That Are Just Dumb Enough To Be Real

    Possible jobs include: used bookstore owner who only sells French translations of classic British literature, President of the Jinglebell Notch Historical Society, and a Weddings and Engagements columnist who doesn't believe in true love...yet

    'Tis the season to watch Hallmark Christmas movies, and the jobs people have in these movies are so. freaking. random!!! But they're incredible. In fact, I want to see even MORE weird jobs.

    So in case the President of the Hallmark Channel is scrolling BuzzFeed to pass the time before Christmas break, here are 26 ideas for ya!

    A hot Santa

    1. Apple pie-infused candlestick maker

    2. Used bookstore owner who only sells French translations of classic British literature

    3. Mayor of Jinglebell Notch, a small town in Vermont with a lucrative economy revolving around all things Christmas

    A man holding a giant candy cane

    4. Director of the local Siamese Cat Rehabilitation and Restoration Center

    5. High-stakes investigative journalist for the thriving local print newspaper who’s dead-set on exposing the seedy underbelly of the town’s recreational soccer league

    6. Vintage xylophone enthusiast

    a woman holding a xylophone

    7. Collector of haunted porcelain dolls that all look vaguely like the little girl who died in your house 100 years ago

    8. Gingerbread house decorator

    9. Owner of Great Boxes Plus, a specialty box store

    A man in a warehouse with packages on the sheives

    10. President of the Jinglebell Notch Historical Society

    11. Billionaire CEO of Green Light Enterprises, an event planning company that throws Great Gatsby-themed parties

    12. The only farmer working on 250 acres of land that’s been in his family for generations

    13. Macramé critic

    a man standing in front of macrame with coffee in his hands

    14. Art gallery owner responsible for curating a year-round supply of ice sculptures for downtown Jinglebell Notch

    15. Gourmet cupcake photographer

    16. Award-winning acrobatic goat trainer

    a muscular man with goats in front of him

    17. Goat actuary

    18. Regional manager of CARDio, a Jazzercise-themed greeting card company

    19. Three-time statewide glass-blowing champion

    20. Pottery kiln inspector

    a man holding a magnifying glass

    21. 10th-grade English teacher who only teaches books by authors born and raised in Jinglebell Notch

    22. Children’s librarian-slash-Pilates instructor-slash-bed and breakfast owner

    23. Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired gazebo architect

    24. Recipe writer for Take Your Pickle, an artisanal pickle stand

    a woman standing in front of jars of pickles

    25. Notchmaker

    26. Weddings and Engagements columnist who doesn't believe in true love…..yet

    Drop your own ridiculous Hallmark-worthy jobs in the comments!!