"Masculine" Dudes Admitted All The "Stereotypically Feminine" Things They Love, And It's So Wholesome That It Melted My Frozen Icicle Heart

    "Every night, I get home from my dirty industrial maintenance job at a steel mill, put on a movie, and drink Moscato rosé. I've been told it's not very manly of me, but it's a nice and delicious way to unwind."

    Redditer u/CowboyLikeMegan recently asked, "Masculine folks of Reddit, what is something stereotypically feminine that you enjoy?" and people had A LOT to say.

    "What's better than this? Guys bein' dudes!"

    Here are the best replies:

    1. "I'm a HUGE Swiftie. Fearless was the soundtrack to my 2009."

    Taylor Swift waving her hair onstage

    2. "I've had my eyebrows waxed every week for the last 25 years. I shave my legs every other day. I get my back waxed regularly and my hair trimmed every week. I love doing some 'girly' things to pamper myself."


    3. "I wear women's deodorant. It smells so much better than the men's options."


    4. "I adore baking. The process is tons of fun, and I look amazing in an apron. There's just something about giving the people I care about a warm bite to eat that just makes me really happy."

    "Some day I hope to make the perfect créme brulée!"

    5. "I was once ridiculed by quite a few of my friends for loving candles. Screw you John, Chad, and Cody — my place smells awesome and has just the right amount of light at night!"


    6. "I love true crime shows! Every time I meet another true crime fan, it's a woman."


    7. "I looove women with muscles."

    Closeup of a woman with well-defined arms

    8. "I often order salad for dinner at restaurants. I particularly enjoy a nicely made Cobb salad. Meanwhile, my petite wife never orders a salad — it's steak or lobster for her. I don’t think our plates have ever been placed in front of us correctly. I’m always served her steak, and she gets my salad."


    9. "Every night, I get home from my dirty industrial maintenance job at a steel mill, put on a movie, and drink Moscato rosé. I've been told it's not very manly of me, but it's a nice and delicious way to unwind."


    "Dude, I look like a gorilla, and I LOVE a good sparkling Moscato!"


    10. "I let my girlfriend practice makeup on me, and I look absolutely fabulous!"

    Closeup of a man with makeup on his face

    11. "I love sewing my ruined clothes or stuffies the dog chewed up. I get a huge sense of satisfaction from repairing the damage to clothing that life has inflicted. For the stuffies, I like to imagine I’m some kind of combat medic patching the soldiers up before sending them back out into the war zone."


    12. "I'm a 6'3, 230-lb. straight dude with an all-pink PC and desktop setup."


    13. "I love watching trashy reality TV and baking. Throw on some Jersey Shore while I’m making a cheesecake, and I’m in my happy place!"

    Closeup of Snookie

    14. "I braid my daughter's hair and paint her nails."


    15. "Every Sunday, I have a nice, long, lavender-scented bubble bath with epsom salt while watching episodes of Star Trek and sipping a cocktail. Also, I run a forge on the weekends."


    16. "I LOVE the smell of flowers, specifically jasmine. I take a couple of seconds to inhale the smell every time I pass it. As I was driving home today, I had my window down and smelled it in someone's yard, so I slowed down and took the longer way home just to appreciate it."

    jasmine flowers

    17. "I enjoy home decorating. I used to work at a thrift store and was tasked with helping set up the window displays. I always loved design and well-paired color schemes."


    18. "My heart melts when I see cute baby animals."


    19. "I love being affectionate with my male friends and telling them that I love and care about them. Men could stand to do this more."

    Two men drinking beer and hugging

    H/T r/AskReddit

    Some responses have been edited for length and clarity.

    What stereotypically feminine things do you enjoy? Drop them in the comments below! 🤔👇