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    Giant Snake 'Wessie' Continues To Elude Capture In Maine Town

    Mythical serpent has garnered an online following after discovery of 12-ft. snakeskin.

    Maine has officially solidified its place as the 'New Scotland' to New England with multiple sightings this week of 'Wessie,' the humongous snake / sea serpent / water demon that has been terrorizing the town of Westbrook, Maine since early June.

    The snake, also called the 'Presumpscot Python,' has been described in sighting reports as being as "big as a truck," around 10 feet long, with "a head the size of a basketball." And only a few days after the 12-foot skin was discovered, there was another sighting, this time by city employee Earl White, who managed to snap a photo as it swam away.

    One thing that's for sure is that Wessie is a very talkative snake---on his Twitter account @WessieThon, the river monster already has over 1,700 followers, yet, strangely, many of his posts seem to be about pizza.

    I can vouch for this survey. The dumpsters at Otto, Slab, and Micucci's are to die for. Well-done @CityPortland!

    Wessie P. Thon / Via Twitter: @WessieThon

    Bill's at 2am on a Saturday night is one of life's greatest pleasures.

    Wessie P. Thon / Via Twitter: @WessieThon

    Indeed, local businesses have benefited from Wessie's patronage in more ways than one.

    Apparently Subway is on the search too

    Marissa Bodnar / Via Twitter: @MarissaWGME

    Westbrook's Mast Landing Brewing Company has also managed to capitalize on the mysterious snake, producing the 'Wessie Westcoast IPA.'

    So it looks like, for now, Wessie is sticking to pizza and beer. Let's hope it stays that way!

    Watch out, Westbrook!

    Just when the people of #Westbrook thought it was safe to go in the water... #Wessie🐍

    Joe Hegarty / Via Twitter: @NewsProJoe