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    8 GIFs Proving "The Hour" Is British "Mad Men"

    And that's a good thing. Season 2 of The Hour just premiered on BBC America, so here's why you should set your DVR and catch up with the previous six episodes ASAP.

    1. They have great minimalist things-collapsing title sequences.

    2. They star stylish, handsome, successful guys who smoke with confidence...

    3. ...and less handsome (but still handsome) lower-ranking guys with dickish ambition...

    4. ...and strong, tormented career women succeeding in male-dominated fields...

    5. ...and a skinny British guy with receding hair and great vintage specs.

    6. They have excellent period art direction, from clothes to interior design to every prop.

    7. They have a beautiful era of beautiful people with SO much beautiful dramatic tension.

    8. And the critics LOOOOOVE it, like "greatest in TV history" love it (just like you will).