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    Kanye West Performed In A Skirt Again Last Night At The Met Ball

    A studded leather Givenchy skirt, at that. And, as if he knew the world would be snarking on her floral gown, he gave Kim Kardashian a special shout-out mid-show.

    After walking the red carpet in a sharp black suit, Kanye changed into an edgy Givenchy ensemble for his performance spot.

    Here's the outfit in better lit conditions.

    Unfortunately, his paramour Kim Kardashian didn't change outfits.

    She remained in that already infamous gown resembling the old floral couches in the basement at your grandma's house all night.

    Don't worry though, Kanye's got her (floral-covered) back. Kim got special shout-outs during Kanye's set.

    Kanye telling Kim not to worry what anyone says that she's awesome. Quite touching really. #metgala

    Coco Rocha


    Kanye telling Kim not to worry what anyone says that she's awesome. Quite touching really. #metgala

    And look, Kim thinks Kanye's just swell too.

    Kanye's set is significant not just because of that lovefest either. He's wearing skirts again, you see.

    Always nice to see he's got his confidence back.