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    5 Things That I Learned From Working In Central London For A Week

    I'm out of school, still learning, and loose in Central London working.

    Lunch is Expensive.

    Lunch is Central London is expensive, which is something that you may or may not have been aware of but when you actually start buying your own lunch everyday, you start to wonder why everybody does it everyday.

    Deals are a god-send

    Deals like the o2 priority £1 lunches can really help the struggling worker, or even a student. You can easily save £4-5 a week, which can go towards more important things.

    Emails are a thing, and very important.

    Before I started at my work experience, the only emails I got were spam, vouchers and apparent injuries that I had had. But now I'm working, when I get an email I can't just swipe to the right to mark as read, I actually have to reply with an intellectual response as soon as I can. ~~~too much responsibility~~~

    Public Transport is even more important than you thought, and the tube strike screwed everyone.

    With my Zip oystercard I took the transport network for granted. But today, when the biggest tube strike in a decade hit London, I realised just how important it is. Also, how funny it is to watch people run like a flock of birds for a packed bus to try and get on it.

    Cluck Cluck.

    And Lastly, the friends you make are the best you'll ever make.

    Even with only having the Two Weeks at this place, in my first week I've already made the best friends and the chats we've had are ones that I am going to cherish for a very long time.

    So, what did you learn on your first week at work?