21 Things All "Sleepy Hollow" Fans Know To Be True

    Headless could probably, definitely get it. Minor spoilers ahead.

    1. Yolanda from One Star is the unsung hero of the show.

    2. The reign of the man-bun is coming to a close. Long live the Bronytail.

    3. Your boss will never, ever be as cool as Abbie's boss.

    4. Because even IRL, Orlando Jones is a national treasure.

    5. Technology will fail you in your moment of need.

    6. Jenny Mills is the sanest person in Sleepy Hollow, despite legally being the craziest.

    Tarrytown Psychiatric's resident dropper of truth bombs.

    7. The first time Sheriff Reyes sees the Horseman is going to be the most cathartic moment in television history.

    8. No one will ever look as awkward in any article of clothing as Ichabod looked in those skinny jeans.

    9. Ichabod's coat must be enchanted, otherwise no one would be able to stand the smell of 250-year-old wool.

    10. The only difference between a good day and a GREAT day is an unexpected John Cho cameo.

    11. Or another Amandla Steinberg episode.

    12. No one understands how Jenny's eyebrows work, but they're extremely impressive. Like really. Wow.

    13. The Undead aren't always the bad guys. They're just as complex as the rest of us.


    14. You could play Revolutionary War bingo with the sheer number of famous people/founding fathers Ichabod personally knows.

    Really, Ben Franklin too?

    15. Also, you'd die if you had to take a shot every time he says the words "General Washington."

    16. You might be cool, but you'll never be "Abbie Mills Shooting The Horseman Of War's Armored Avatar" cool.

    17. Everyone who is even remotely helpful will end up dead or turn out to be evil. Or both.

    18. The romantic tension between Ichabod and Abbie is so obvious, even the Horseman ships it.

    19. Seriously he HAS NO EYES OR BRAIN and he can see the kind of chemistry those two have going on.

    20. It's possible to be a 0 in the face and a 10 in the body and still come out on top.

    21. And there's never been any such thing as too much head-related humor.