10 Reasons "Gotham" Season 2 Is A Brand New Show

    Gotham's here, it's back, and it's seriously better than ever.


    1. Jim is the literal embodiment of "no more Mr. Nice Guy."

    2. No really, remember how the pilot ended with Jim NOT killing Penguin because he has morals?

    3. Yeah he fucking murders a dude in the Season 2 premiere. For personal gain.

    4. Penguin's rule over Gotham City's underworld consolidates the best of the previous season's mobster plots.

    5. There are now TWO Ed Nygmas to deal with, and one of them is a dick.

    Ed Nygmas? Eds Nygma?

    6. Bruce and Alfred are moving past the Wayne murders, which gives them time to be genuinely funny with each other.

    Alfred isn't like the other guardian-dads, he's a cool guardian-dad.

    7. Instead of a new villain popping up every week, Gotham has consolidated its baddies by adding powerful new characters Theo and Tabitha Galavan.

    Thanks to them, Jerome, Barbara, and a handful of new Arkham inmates (including a cannibal?) are all on the same team now.

    8. Jerome's proto-Joker character adds a healthy dose of comic-book aesthetic and humor, which you didn't realize this show needed until he showed up.

    9. Barbara has bloomed –BLOOMED– into a toxic, beautiful flower of a character.

    10. And even though we don't know much about Theo's plan, it already feels good to have these villains interacting early on.

    All in all, it looks like Gotham is coming back strong in Season 2! Rise, villains, rise!