The Definintive Ranking Of Truly Awful Subway Behavior

    Some people should not be allowed.

    16. Sleeping/sleeping on people.

    15. Making prolonged eye contact with strangers.

    14. Not giving up your seat.

    13. Putting your stuff on the seat.

    12. Doing yoga.

    11. Having a wide stance.

    10. Carrying furniture or other oversize items.

    9. Grooming yourself.

    8. Sitting on the stairs.

    7. Putting your feet on stuff.

    6. Playing loud sounds. Any sounds.

    5. Unwanted performance art.

    4. Pole leaning.

    3. Getting on the train before people can exit.

    2. Eating smelly or messy foods.

    1. Taking your shoes off (?!??!!)