This "SNL" Skit About Zillow Is Painfully Relatable

    “The pleasure you once got from sex now comes from looking at other people’s houses.”

    Are you looking to add a little ~spice~ to your relationship?

    Are you in your late 30s? Looking for something new and exciting to fantasize about?

    Well, you may want to consider the irresistible thrill of endlessly scrolling through all of the unobtainable homes on

    In what feels like a personal attack, Saturday Night Live tapped into the subconscious of every millennial who spends their evenings browsing homes on the site...which they're most definitely not going to buy:

    A man looks at a screen filled with Zillow listings

    From an updated colonial that'll have you admiring its mature landscaping to a fixer upper which will make you scream "I wanna flip that," has it all:

    “I’d never live in North Carolina, but if I did, I could buy a big, gross mansion," host Dan Levy moaned while admiring a decked out mansion.

    Dan Levy looks longingly at a North Carolina Zillow listing

    “The pleasure you once got from sex now comes from looking at other people’s houses,” SNL cast member Ego Nwodim added in the painfully accurate ad.

    Two men look excited while browsing Zillow on their phone

    It's all fun and games as long as you can ignore the existential dread that comes with the current unaffordable cost of living and the abysmal job market that's always lingering in the back of your mind!

    So what are you waiting for? Pick up your phone and start Zillowing now!

    The Zillow logo flashes on top of the add

    And if you're looking for the fast track back to reality...just hit the "contact agent" button:

    When you're ready to take a break from Zillowing, you can watch the entire skit below...and don't worry, it's completely safe for work:

    View this video on YouTube

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