Julia Fox Has An Interesting Theory About Childhood And I Don't Think I Agree With It At All

    "I suggest everyone buy their kid a little mini mop, a mini broom..."

    Julia Fox is taking a page out of Kim Kardashian's book and thinks everyone should be working harder — including children.

    A closeup of Julia

    The model and actor recently shared her theory about the concept of childhood and it's getting a lot of mixed reactions.

    A closeup of Julia

    In a new TikTok, Julia explained that childhood was "only invented in the 18th century" and before that, kids were "just regarded as little adults."

    A closeup of Julia

    "That's why in a lot of old paintings the children don’t look the same way that we show them today, you know, with the like angelic features and all that stuff. They didn’t do that back then," Julia said.

    A closeup of Julia

    And it turns out that Julia is all in favor of bringing back that old school mentality when it comes to raising children today.

    A closeup of Julia

    "I think that the idea of childhood was invented as a way to just get parents to spend a lot of money on shit that kids don’t [need]," Julia shared.

    A closeup of Julia

    She continued, "It’s not really teaching your kid anything, you just end up raising a kid that’s like helpless and doesn’t know what to do."

    A closeup of Julia

    In fact, Julia says her 19-month-old son Valentino isn't interested in his toys at all and is more interested in what she's doing — so she's put him to work.

    A closeup of Julia

    "I suggest everyone buy their kid a little mini mop, a mini broom, and start teaching them those life skills really young," Julia recommended, adding, "So that when they enter the real world, they don’t have to outsource for everything, and they know how to do things for themselves."

    A closeup of Julia

    The video sparked hilarious comments from viewers, including some from parents who joked they were already having their babies do their taxes and home electrical work.

    A closeup of Julia

    And while it's possible Julia was referencing the Montessori method of education, which puts emphasis on children becoming independent and developing real-world skills, it honestly just came off as a little intense.

    A closeup of Julia

    You can hear all that Julia had to say below.