Hailey Bieber Says The Past Few Months Have Been The "Saddest, Hardest Moments" Of Her Life, And I Honestly Feel Really Bad For Her

    "I like to make jokes about how I feel because sometimes it's easier than admitting I'm having a hard time."

    Hailey Bieber has been really going through it over the past few months — which should probably come as no surprise.

    A closeup of Hailey

    Considering the amount of drama surrounding the model amid her online feud with Selena Gomez, it's got to be taxing on your mental health.

    A closeup of Selena

    No matter who was right or wrong in the situation, having thousands of people send hateful messages and making scathing TikToks is going to impact somebody.

    A closeup of Hailey

    Despite Selena's efforts to mediate the situation by telling the public to "be kinder" and halt the "narrative" around the pair, Hailey has still been struggling.

    A closeup of Selena

    And just a month after it was revealed that Hailey had been receiving death threats, the model is opening up about the state of her mental health.

    A closeup of Hailey

    After jokingly posting a meme about her "mental state" over the past month and a half, Hailey got candid about how she's been doing.

    "I like to make jokes about how I feel because sometimes it's easier than admitting I'm having a hard time," Hailey wrote on her Instagram story.

    A closeup of Hailey

    She continued, "But truthfully, since 2023 started, I have had some of the saddest, hardest moments I've ever had in my adult life, and my mind and emotions have been fragile to say the least."

    A screenshot of Hailey's message

    Hailey noted that she knows "so many other people feel the same way" she feels — and she wants them to know they're not alone.

    A closeup of Hailey

    "That being said, let's keep being there for one another," she wrote. "Let's be there for loved ones and friends and family and strangers."

    "Let's just be there for people. Let's keep showing up for each other even when it's hard. We're better together," Hailey concluded.

    A screenshot of Hailey's message

    While Hailey didn't mention the Selena drama specifically, it definitely seems like that's what she was referencing.

    A closeup of Hailey

    There haven't been too many updates in the Hailey/Selena saga lately, so hopefully, things have cooled down — and both stars are doing okay.

    The ​National Alliance on Mental Illness​ is 1-888-950-6264 (NAMI) and provides information and referral services; ​GoodTherapy.org​ ​is an association of mental health professionals from more than 25 countries who support efforts to reduce harm in therapy.