19 Very Useful Skills You Have To Master When You Live With Other People

    No toilet roll? No problem.

    1. Being "resourceful" when all the dishes are dirty.

    2. And even more "resourceful" when you're all out of toilet roll.

    3. Dashing naked from your bedroom to the bathroom without anyone seeing.

    4. Taking care of your most prized possessions.

    5. Squeezing way more than two people onto a two-seater sofa.

    6. Becoming seriously talented in the art of "bin jenga".

    7. Pretending not to have heard the doorbell.

    8. Desperately holding it in when you need to pee (because your flatmate always gets in the shower just as you were about to go).

    9. Having a full shower, including washing and conditioning your hair, in two minutes flat.

    10. Stealing small enough quantities of milk or butter that no one should be able to notice.

    11. But being able to notice when someone has stolen tiny quantities of your milk or butter.

    12. Sneaking in drunk without waking everyone else up.

    13. Living without pretty vital things like hot water or light bulbs.

    14. Identifying the bottle which actually has shampoo in it from the mass of empty ones that are all over the shower.

    15. Blocking out the sound of other people having sex.

    16. Sounding friendly and like something isn't a big deal when actually you're really pissed off.

    17. Letting someone know you really don't feel like talking without saying so or appearing rude.

    18. Identifying incredibly mouldy vegetables found at the very back of the cupboard.

    19. Combining your own wardrobe with your housemate's to create the perfect outfit.