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    Michael Gove Wants Retired Workers To Retrain As Teachers

    David Cameron is considering adding the proposal to the Tory manifesto. Eat, sleep, work, repeat.

    Recently retired workers could retrain as teachers and be fast-tracked into some of Britain's toughest schools under new Tory plans.

    Education Secretary Michael Gove is among a number of senior party members who support the proposal to encourage new retirees to undertake an intensive training course, before being parachuted into schools in inner cities and deprived areas.

    The plan - called Teach Seniors, is based on the Teach First programme, which offers graduates a quick route into the classroom.

    It would aim to see professionals who have recently finished their specialist careers share their knowledge and experience with Britain's young people.

    David Cameron is currently considering the proposal, which is backed by some of his closest allies, including Gove, climate change minister Greg Barker, David Willetts, Helen Grant and Sajid Javid.

    MP Jo Johnson - Boris Johnson's younger brother - is drafting the Conservatives' general election manifesto, and is considering the idea alongside the Prime Minister.

    Teach Seniors was thought up by the 2020 Group - which is made up of about a quarter of the Conservative Party's 305 MPs, and promotes "a modern, progressive Conservatism".

    One member, involved in a presentation made to the Prime Minister at Downing Street, said: "Teach First has seen a lot of talented younger people going into schools before embarking on other careers. This would follow the same logic but in reverse, with people who have already had careers opting to go into the classroom.

    "For example someone who has been working as a chemical engineer might teach science and would have a lot of experience to give to younger people."

    Teach First has sent thousands of graduates into schools after just six weeks of intense training.

    It has proved popular since its inception in 2002, but has been criticised by unions who say the graduates do not receive enough training before being put in charge of a classroom.

    The Teach Seniors proposal comes after David Cameron warned that too many young people in Britain are failing to get jobs because of poor English and maths qualifications.

    "We have got to remind young people that English and maths are vocational subjects. I tell my children there is not a job in the world that does not require English and maths," he said.