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    Anthony Weiner in high school looks like his Royal Highness, the Maharaja from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Yes he does.

    Anthony Weiner's been in the news a lot lately: mayoral candidate stuff, sexting scandal stuff, more sexting scandal stuff. But I have to tell you that every time I see a photo of him, I think of his yearbook photo, and that always—ALWAYS—makes me think of his Royal Highness, the Maharaja from the 1984 movie, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Every time. Every. Single. Time.

    Am I the only one in the world who thinks this? Probably. Is this vital information? Nope. Did I have to get this off my chest? ABSOLUTELY AND IT FEELS GREAT.

    I just hope Anthony Weiner doesn't have any voodoo dolls of the other candidates.