These Koreans Saw What They Would Look With Plastic Surgery

    "There's my potato face, y'all."

    These Koreans wondered what they would look like if they had the plastic surgery procedures that many do in South Korea to achieve certain ideals. Here is the video:

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    BuzzFeedVideo / Via

    First off, there was Maggie:

    Alex Choi (BuzzFeed)
    Alex Choi (BuzzFeed)
    Alex Choi (BuzzFeed)


    Alex Choi (BuzzFeed)
    Alex Choi (BuzzFeed)
    Alex Choi (BuzzFeed)

    And finally Eugene:

    Alex Choi (BuzzFeed)
    Alex Choi (BuzzFeed)
    Alex Choi (BuzzFeed)

    So, how do you think they looked after? Would the surgery have been worth it?