People Tried Catching 500-Foot Fly Balls And It Wasn't Easy


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    Joc is a center-fielder for the Los Angeles Dodgers and was a 2015 all-star with a fielding percentage of .989%. So he knows a thing or two about catching fly balls.

    Joc gave our participants a couple of pointers before they got started. He said the key to catching a fly ball was to hold the glove on either side of your face, so there's always two eyes on the ball. Otherwise, you might get clocked in the face.

    First up was Dominic, and he was feeling pretty confident.

    And he got it on his first run. Not bad.

    Dominic was ready for another one.

    Andddd this one didn't go quite as well.

    Still, Dominic was positive about the whole experience.

    Next up was Kate, who had little-to-no baseball experience.

    When asked about her knowledge of fly balls, she said this:

    Needless to say, it was harder than she thought it would be.

    Next up was Zach. He plays regularly and felt fairly confident about his skills.

    Turns out, it's not so easy:

    Ben was up next, but he hadn't played since his teen years.

    But he made Joc proud.

    Finally, it was TLo's turn, who's a lifelong Dodgers fan.

    And she wanted to catch at least one fly ball.

    Dreams do come true!

    In the end, Joc was impressed and even offered a glimmer of hope that one day the crew could be one of the pros.*