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    9 Things You'll Only Understand If You're From North Dakota

    The fact that no one will read this because it's about North Dakota.

    1. You freak out if North Dakota is ever mentioned in a TV show or movie.

    2. You don't believe that people can't find North Dakota on a map, even though it's the best state of all the states.

    3. It annoys the hell out of you when people suggest that North and South Dakota merge into one Dakota. Like, WHAT?

    4. Even though winters seem to never end, during the summers, you're like:

    5. In fact, you hate when anyone else complains about their "winter." YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT A "BAD WINTER" FEELS LIKE.

    6. Every year, you just want to enjoy Halloween outside, but it's too cold.

    7. Though, for some reason, you still love the snow.

    8. However, when "Springtime" hits and it's still snowing, you're all:

    9. And though the rest of the country makes North Dakota out to be insignificant, but you know the truth.