
Alexander C.

I'm 18 almost 19 (July 14th). I was born in the United States, but to Canadian parents, so I have duel citizenship, but I live in and prefer Canada. I've known I was gay since I was 11 when I became aware what being gay meant. But I was always different. I started coming out to my friends and family just last November (2008) after the passage of Prop 8. First I came out to a few friends. Next was my Mom, followed by on Feb 14th, my Sister. Not long after I told my Dad and again shortly after that, I told my Uncle. So far I havn't gotten much trouble with being gay, except from a few religious family member who I no longer speak with. I'm an atheist (don't belive in God) and a big supporter of both the ACLU and the Richard Dawkins Foundation. I loved the God Delusion and would suggest it to everyone. I'm a typical 18 year old guy, except for homosexuality. You probaly wouldn't know I was gay unless I told you. I'm going to start working soon, just sorting things out in my life. Oh, and by the way I graduated high-school (still closeted) in June 2008, finishing the last few months online. I just couldn't take living with my grandparents any more. Along with a constant air of homopbobia, they were over controling and I founght with ideas of suicide, coming very close. Thankfully, though I had my Mom, Dad and Sister. I moved in with them, completed my high-school eduacation and graduated with 80 and 90's. Now I'm looking at going to Collage, either NBCC Saint John, or UNB Saint John, Nursing Courses in either place. I just need to get to a larger city and away from all this small town shit. There are virtualy no datable guys here, and it can be lonely. I want to go to UNB, which is a longer course, and like triple the money, but I may not have all the courses I need. I won't lie, it's not just because of it being a better school, that I want to go to UNB, it's because it has a better and larger gay community, and as my Dad put it, lol, I want to get layed. LOL...Kidding Mom....kinda, lol. Anyway...I also have a very small and adorable Shi-Tzu Dog, I love, named Kirss. Well he is a family dog, but I like to call him mine. I'm close to my Mom, Dad and Sister, but my best friend is my Mom. Even though we havn't always seen eye to eye on things including my sexuality, she has been my biggest support. My other best Friend, unfortunalty who I havn't seen in a while, Amanda Sanford, has also been very supportive. In retrospect, if I had been living with my parents in high-school, I so wish I could have come out. Anyway...feel free to message me if you have any questions, or you or someone you know is struggling with sexuality. It's perfectly normal. I promise to keep it all secret. Love Yah!

Aug 2009
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