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    17 Similarities Between Frozen And Finals Week

    "Do you wanna build a quizlet?"

    1. You pretend that it's not happening and that anxiety is not welling up inside you...

    2. But eventually, you will break.

    3. Some don't even see it coming.

    4. You might run away to the library or the nearest coffee establishment to keep your friends from seeing what you've become.

    5. Or you may seek comfort in a group study environment.

    6. But let's be real, that ish is not productive.

    7. You go back and forth between not giving a f***...

    8. And literally falling apart.

    9. You even contemplate dropping out.

    10. Shout out to all the professors that fake you out with a "study guide" that in no way guides your studies in the direction of an A.

    11. Every exam feels like a storm that could be a horrible turning point in your life.

    12. The time has come. The final is nigh. Your body is shaking from caffeine and/or adderall.

    13. Then the final comes at you like a sword in a storm. You froze. You were duped by your professor and/or simply unprepared.

    14. But then something magical happens...

    15. The curve. The whole class failed together, beautifully.

    16. Hibernation happens.

    17. Then summer comes.

    The end.