Things 1890s Girls Know To Be True

    That's SO '90s!

    1. You're always in the market for a good Gibson Girl beauty tutorial.

    2. ... And you're all about the "New Woman."

    3. You look back on your bicycle bloomers and wonder what you were thinking!

    4. Of course, you're well aware that, if you're NOT a wealthy, educated white woman in the '90s, life is not great, to put it mildly.

    5. You're increasingly aware that "hysteria" in women is utter B.S.

    6. Your power color will always be mauve.

    7. You're all about Art Nouveau.

    8. You're deathly afraid of vampires.

    9. You cheered the first modern Olympic Games. (Especially noted handsome weightlifter Launceston Elliot.)

    Over 300 men from 14 (or so) participating countries competed in the 1896 Athens games.

    10. And you know that, the bigger the leg o' mutton sleeves, the closer to god.

    11. ... Or, if you're alternative, you make fun of the giant sleeve trend and wished it would just go away.

    12. You simply hate being called "two-faced."

    13. Sometimes you wonder whether you put on MORE clothes to go to the beach.

    14. You spend far too much time playing your "'Round the World with Nellie Bly" board game.

    15. In keeping with the spirit of the "Naughty Nineties," you've done scandalous things like, say, paint your cheeks with rouge.

    16. You certainly take care to "reduce enlarged glands."

    17. And you beat those troublesome headaches and bouts of mental exhaustion with a nice glass of Coca-Cola.

    Keep making 'em turn heads, '90s girls.