15 Screenshots Of Petty Employers Offering Pennies On Job Listings

    One YouTuber is searching for a video editor to "sift through 100s of hours of footage" for zero pay.

    Did you know that about 5.9 million workers are currently unemployed? However, according to the US Chamber of Commerce, about 9.8 million job listings remain open. And why is that? Well, there are several factors to consider but one of the most notable issues seems to be jobs setting high expectations for unlivable wages — which keeps people from bothering to apply.

    Manager holding a resume

    Here are 15 job listings that offer pennies in return for work:

    1. This farmer is in search of a "volunteer" they can pay €20 for five to seven days of work with the animals per week:

    the job post

    2. This family wanted to hire a nanny for 13 hours a day, Sunday through Friday, and only pay them $700 a month:

    job posting

    3. This YouTuber is looking for an assistant editor to "sift through 100s of hours of footage" while getting no pay in return:

    listing posting about no pay

    4. This media company is looking for someone who can write 50 ARTICLES in TWO DAYS for a grand total of $5:

    5. This applicant was asked to edit a video, include motion graphics and music, and complete a full project free of charge before their application could be considered:

    6. This person was trying to pay a kid $10 to do yard work and now they're upset he wants more money:

    7. This person is looking for someone to babysit their grandson nine hours a day for $100 a week, equalling about $2.22 an hour:

    the social media post

    8. This person wants someone to pay THEM to remove junk from their house:

    delusion man thinking he can get labor for free

    9. This person asked a company to remodel two bathrooms for under $12,000 and left them a bad review when they said they couldn't do it. In the states, the average remodel for a single bathroom is around $16,900.

    10. This parent wants to pay someone $125 every two weeks for 80 hours of work, equalling about $1.60 per hour. Oh, and they need a ride to and from work every day as well:

    post looking for a babysitter

    11. This night shift job is going for €9.50 an hour and your application will immediately be rejected if you don't provide your Insta handle:

    the job posting

    12. This parent is offering a "low rent" room in return for babysitting their kid all day, picking them up from school, and watching the child in the evenings:

    photo of the room

    13. This person is looking for a full-time senior caregiver in return for $40 a week and a little weed:

    the post on facebook asking for a lot

    14. This person didn't feel like his service payment of $25 should be so high or account for the provider's gas or time, so he canceled all together:

    message canceling the service because of the price

    15. And finally, this parent is searching for someone to babysit their kid for 10 hours a day, five days a week, for about $1.43 an hour:

    What's the most ridiculous thing you've seen on a job listing? Let us know in the comments.