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    12 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I Was Still At University

    Listen here you beautiful bitch, I'm about to fuck you up with some truth.

    1. You will make and end friendships, and that's OK.

    2. You will regret sleeping through those lectures and not studying, and most importantly you will regret not trying to make a connection with your teachers.

    Hey, you know what's actually not so bad? Your degree! I know, I was pretty surprised too when I finally opened a textbook! Kind of stating the obvious, but if you're paying a trolley-load of money for that education, maybe you should try actually tuning in for some of it? Another shocker — your professors are humans too! They do have lives beyond replying to your 'sorry my laptop fell in the bath so I need an extension on that essay' emails.

    3. Don't be afraid to try new things — it's OK not to know what you want from life — use this time to figure it out.

    4. Form opinions and don't be afraid of voicing them. / Via Tumblr

    Better debate it and figure out where you stand now, rather than when you're 40 and at a dinner party where everyone is arguing about legal implications of global nuclear disarmament and you are pretending to choke on a cocktail sausage. You're better than that. 

    5. Go to lectures!

    No, but seriously. Go. To. Lectures. And classes. And social events organised by the societies you've paid fees to be a member of. Even if they sound pants — you'll regret if you don't. (However missing one or two is OK — I'm not a monster)

    6. If you're hurting, talk to someone. / Via Tumblr

    Come closer and I will tell you a secret. Closer. Like creepy, breathing-down-your-neck closer. Ready? If you're bummed out about something, chances are SOMEONE ELSE IS TOO. Everyone is pretending that they're fine, when in reality we're all just trying to keep our heads above water. Some people are just better at hiding it than others. Don't be an asshat, just ask for help.

    7. Be nice to your parents.

    View this video on YouTube / Via Youtube

    You're growing up and learning things for yourself. But dear, you still have so much to learn. Trust me about this.

    8. Have fun, but start thinking about your future in your final year.

    9. Love yourself.

    10. Do NOT get high and fall asleep watching Snakes On A Plane in your neighbour's basement.

    This is always pretty sound advice tbh. Always say 'yes' to adventures, unless they involve basements. Or Samuel L. Jackson films. Or drugs. Or all of the above, especially when combined.

    11. DO enjoy a summer evening on the roof with all of your closest friends. Definitely don't get too drunk and start crying. / Via Tumblr

    Again, I'm using my power of hindsight to tell you: please stop. You're being kind of a bummer. Sweet, but still a bit of a bummer. 

    12. Try not to fall over so much.

    Not sure if this is something avoidable, but hey it's worth a shot.

    Now go forth and kick ass with this added wisdom. May your university experience be unencumbered and your exam results be through-the-roof fantastic!