A 7/7 Survivor Broke Down In Tears After A Surprise Visit From The Policeman Who Saved Her Life

    Gill Hicks had both her legs amputated after being injured in the attacks.

    A 7/7 survivor broke down in tears this morning after a surprise encounter with the policeman who saved her life.

    Gill Hicks was taking part in a walk to pay tribute to those who lost their lives in the bombings when she was surprised by a visit from PC Andy Maxwell.

    He came to her aid after she was injured at the bombing at King's Cross station, keeping her alive until help arrived.

    "The pair hugged and shed some tears in front of King's Cross station before retreating from the cameras to share a few private words," ITV News reported.

    Hicks was the last living person to be rescued from the underground network on 7/7. Today she was joined by faith leaders from the Muslim, Jewish and Christian faiths to walk from King's Cross to Tavistock Square.

    The organisers of the walk – members of think-tank British Future – are asking people to get off the bus, train, or tube one stop early tomorrow and walk together to show unity.

    People can support the initiative on social media using the #WalkTogether hashtag.

    In an emailed press release about the event, Hicks said: "My life and those around me changed forever on July 7, 2005. I believe in the power and brilliance of humanity - my life was saved by strangers, people who never gave up, people who risked their own lives to save mine. To them, I was a precious human life - my rescue wasn't dependent on my faith, my colour, my gender or wealth.

    "Walking Together allows us the time and space to talk, to share and to know the 'other'. Our unity can offer the strength to not only deter anyone from following the path of violent extremism, but to also build a sustainable peace."