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    20 Easy Tricks To Make Living With Roommates So Much Better

    No matter how much you love them (or not), sharing space with other living humans can be tough. Well, NOT ANYMORE.

    1. Drawer + cutting board = instant counter space in a crowded kitchen.

    2. A second shower rod means you can hang a bunch of caddies and loofahs.

    3. And for the rest of the bathroom, an over-the-door shoe organizer adds a ton of extra storage space.

    4. To subtly signal that one of you is getting some, put clear tape over the door's keyhole.

    5. Invest in a sex fan.

    6. Use apps like Splitwise and Venmo to make keeping track of and splitting bills a cinch.

    7. Chore charts can make the world go 'round.

    8. This slot method works for especially large groups of roomies.

    9. And charts (be they on whiteboards or Google docs) make keeping track of who owes whom money a lot easier.

    10. Organize your entryway with a divided tray.

    11. Use nail polish to differentiate between your keys.

    12. Brush long hair before going in the shower to avoid clogged drains.

    13. Gentle reminders help make hard-to-remember tasks way easier.

    14. Hang a helpful reminder by the main door.

    15. If you have a dishwasher, mark it as clean or dirty with a magnet.

    16. Keep the noise of a coffee grinder from waking everyone else up by wrapping it in a pillow or an oven mitt.

    17. It goes without saying, but be as prompt with money and as courteous as you want to be treated.

    18. (Although sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.)

    19. And always make sure nobody feels like they're being taken for granted.

    20. If nothing else, treat your roommates to this incredible display of witchcraft.