12 Problems Absolutely Everyone Has Experienced

    As told by random penguins.

    1. Mary Laura Philpott draws penguins in random situations.

    2. Situations like: "When you order wine and pancakes and ice cream and one egg roll [from room service]..."

    3. Or when there's a bee in the car.

    4. Or the horrible curse known as "rainy day hair."

    5. "At a certain point, I realized I was drawing situations that happened to me or my friends and colleagues," she said.

    6. "If you can laugh at the absurd little things," — like Phone Face — "then you can save your emotional energy for the stuff that really matters."

    7. We've all dealt with Innuendo Bob.

    8. And friendship.

    9. And laundry.

    10. Sometimes you have to deal with Pinterest fails.

    11. And sometimes you just can't help but break it down in public.

    12. Luckily, these random penguins totally get you.

    Penguins With People Problems is available now.