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    7 Sex Positions You Can Knit Yourself

    Yes, you read that right.

    Love knitting, but feel like it's just not lusty enough? Or love boning, but wish it were more yarn-oriented?

    THEN BOY HOWDY IS THIS THE BOOK FOR YOU. Knit Your Own Kama Sutra, by Trixie von Purl (ha), contains patterns for every possible sex position you could ever wish to knit (aka 12).

    They include:

    The Erotic V

    The Indrani

    The Lustful Leg

    The Deck Chair

    The Suspended Scissors

    The Kneel

    The Bridge

    Here is the book trailer, if you prefer to consume these images with a backdrop of porny 70s music.

    View this video on YouTube

    Knit Your Own Kama Sutra is available now from HarperCollins.