21 Life Lessons You Learn At A Sheep Festival

    At the annual Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool Festival, livestock, yarn, and general merriment abound.

    1. A smile will always improve your day.

    2. Dreads are a great look.

    3. You can meet friends in unlikely places.

    4. (But don't try to be friends with everyone.)

    5. If you can think of a color, there is yarn in that color.

    6. This.

    7. A haircut every now and then can work wonders.

    8. It's good to have a buddy.

    9. And it's also OK to be left alone with your thoughts.

    10. If you don't like someone, spit on them.

    11. Tats are rad.

    12. Stand out from the pack.

    13. Hang out with people totally different from you.

    14. Allow yourself to stop and contemplate all the joy in the world.

    15. Never stop being surprised.

    16. Pumpkins don't have to be edible.

    17. And sheep don't need to take up a ton of space.

    18. Your hair will never look as good as an alpacas'.

    19. Bigger is better...

    20. ...except for when smaller is better.

    21. Sometimes, you just gotta stick out your tongue at life.